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Everything posted by livingart

  1. these 2 are regulars the big ger one never stops talking about animals, the one in yellow can never get a word in hes always got that look on his face
  2. to do your adult reeves justice probably a minimum of 4 feet x 2 feet, preferably 5 foot plus the species available in nz doesnt get much over 8 inches long as far as i know
  3. female in top photo, male in bottom female was pretty fat not available legally in N.Z. at the moment rumour is they are still around
  4. first day of meet the people kids were blown away
  5. make sure they are fat before hibernating
  6. i guessed that, but it might have been a bit ambiguois to others viewing 8) i had to exercise my psychic (sykik) powers
  7. what sort of cakes? Fish cakes?
  8. frozen mysis, brine bloodworms, oxheart, mussel, prawn also marine flake food and small shrimp etc caught in rockpools
  9. frozen mysis, brine bloodworms, oxheart, mussel, prawn also small shrimp etc caught in rockpools
  10. hi jim unable to make it over at papamoa any reasom why it is at the plaza?
  11. i spend everyday playing with animals of every description i used to be a clown in the circus still the same just don't wear makeup anymore :oops:
  12. gannet got quoted 115$ for a 3 foot piece at one place bought same piece at another place for $50 so try a few places
  13. when i replace a base i cut glue through with a craft knife all the way around the base glass, then cut diagonals and tap inside of cuts with end of glass cutter to crack the base then lever out cut pieces with the blade, being careful to not put too much pressure on the good panes left then clean all old glue off and follow what evil said try glass repair places for a replacement sheet, local guy has been giving me 10mm for a good price so i have been using that for replacing bases shop around
  14. sorry misread yours words thought it was a marriage proposal
  15. we try something and learn from the result and are better fishkeepers for it my jardini lives alone, except for the occaisonal fish, insect or mouse who visits briefly i think it all depends on the fish and their individual agression levels, the bigger predatory stuff seems to have more personality than the herbivores holding ones tongue is like training bears feed them honey and you will win
  16. what are you on there Evil?
  17. if you have a degree in conservation and on a government controlled conservation project, maybe not a problem
  18. they can handle living in the house so long as it is not too hot biggest thing with frogs inside is keeping them fed all year round they prefer live food to dead stuff earthorms are a good food source in wintertime when fly and bug supply is low butterfly net, porch light at night and moths are also a good combination more land than water for frogs is best ggod luck
  19. Congratulations we only start fights so we can make up
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