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Everything posted by livingart

  1. luckily a leopard gecko is not an iguana good luck with the males are females from different bloodlines?
  2. IMO getting an agressive fish to chase your hand around the tank as was being done in some of those clips only winds the fish up for no other reason than the humans enjoyment if i caught someone doing that to one of our tanks they would be asked to leave
  3. smacks of teasing a rabid dog on a chain :evil:
  4. i wonder how many fell for it pretty obvious in the language and use of caps in clear.net.nz
  5. ours is a river sand from local landscape supplies
  6. were you facing the tank while mumbling as maybe it is not good hearing but the fact they are good lip readers
  7. i thought the moth was the engine driver replaced the dead one with a new one and it worked again
  8. i use a coarse sand and lots of coffee to keep the shrimp awake
  9. ira was meaning the difference between the spelling of the word silicone and silicon, 2 different things one a glue or more correctly a sealant the other a compound that is a part of the glass composition he will correct this if necessary
  10. dog is to be put down next week legal bill apparently is 12,000 so far, from local paper
  11. they are in a 1.2metre
  12. never done a marine that small so can't help out
  13. sometimes experience can be really painful and bright red
  14. Kaudern's Cardinal, are these more commonly known as banggai cardinals the conch has a thread going already for breeding these in a small setup
  15. i have 3 nice scars on my hand from doing this and replacing broken panels 2 of them on same index finger knuckle done seven years apart
  16. i use a craft knife for this slide blade along silicon watch out you dont slip and cut yourself or smash tank
  17. same here the length is slower growing than the girth love watching the bichirs explore the tank they love brackish shrimp
  18. perhaps a point to make to the authorities in nz is that if the mustelid population in nz is not controlled the only native anumals to protect in nz will be moved to doc controlled islands. then it will become pay per view for all of us
  19. add in patience, another couple of pens, experience and some more money
  20. the same was said about iguanas
  21. thanks for the links guys still early days yet
  22. i have found when dealing with problem pets that it is generally the owners that need retraining not many dogs can't be retrained, it requires someone with specialised knowledge and time to achieve though but in todays world this takes time which equals money once retrained it will require someone else equally knowledgeable to look after it so the easiest answer i am sorry to say is to put the animal down law should be that people should have to sit a test before they can own a dog to prove they are capable of bringing up a well adjusted animal mind you though people sit drivers licenses to prove they can drive, some are more dangerous than a bad dog
  23. the aros have taken to cruising together most of the time they occasionally circle each other at the end of the tank with the smaller one braking and then curling his body up with fins extended then circling again i don't know if it is trying to make itself look bigger or to attract the larger one the larger one nudges the other one out of the way every now and again but no biting has anyone seen a video of arowana breeding?
  24. the interrogation begins hes a big boy now henward
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