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Everything posted by livingart

  1. and bring some dirt back or are we tunneling to S. Africa
  2. thanks brad have just been there
  3. i used vetadine ointment as i wasn't sure if it was fungus or bacteria maybe it was the scraping with the scalpel that actually worked i know it fixed it fish was 41cms long released back where he came from and still in our stream, system
  4. had the same problem with a large giant we had on display had a small wound on top fin that developed into the same thing took him out of tank and cleaned with a scalpel and dried off, then applied iodine ointment, then 2 more treatments of iodine saw him come right he had only lost a small part of the fin though
  5. this frontosa is 15cms he has the same pattern on the otherside as well the only one like it out of 7 youngsters all the rest have 6 stripes
  6. i won't tell you how i do it this is a family forum and the fronts will do it in their own good time just follow ryans instructions
  7. nice one what is the drawing program?
  8. livingart


    in my opinion importers and pet shops bring in fish for different reasons, they think it will sell or it has been ordered and then not picked up etc, if no one buys a potentially big fish from the shop and they can't house it long term then it will be put down or maybe given away. some shops don't inform people or they don't know themselves personally i think giving a fish a home for awhile is better than no home at all and a death at a young age. the ones you need to be rarking up are the importers not fellow forum members,
  9. livingart


    i suffer CRIB disease too :oops: CRIB = Cant Resist Impulse Buying or I See It I Want It
  10. ya turn it upside down, staple it to a rock and call it an anenome
  11. livingart

    spare parts

    i have some new diaphragms arms and stuff here as replacements for my 2 pumps also have an old pump for parts as well
  12. and some of the velvet worms are now protected
  13. welcome to the forum amazing to see someone overseas keeping our peripatus, do you have Peripatoides novaezelandiae or one of the other species ? there are some good reference sites and studies done on these, one link below http://soilbugs.massey.ac.nz/onychophora.php enjoy your time here
  14. seen the longhorned here, but the 2 you asked about i don't know if available here
  15. livingart


    i think you have to spend a bit of money to keep marines properly no matter what you keep in the tank. start another thread about wanting to get into marines there are a few salties with experience on here who will lend you their expertise and experience
  16. livingart


    i think you have to spend a bit of money to keep marines properly no matter what you keep in the tank. i personally think the bigger the better start another thread about wanting to get into marines there are a few salties with experience on here who will lend you their expertise and experience
  17. probably lost through deforestation and introduced trout some believe
  18. right purple one that was where i was heading or yarimochi has rediscovered the grayling
  19. IMO thicker stuff would spread the load more if you are putting on the bare steel if on a thick piece of ply that is level the 10mm should suffice, my opinion only
  20. livingart


    got one in the big marine tank he got stuck on the powerhead inlet blew up to the size of a large softball don't worry was ok afterwards
  21. can't really tell from photo, are there eyes yellow?
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