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Everything posted by livingart

  1. think the senegals are getting cosy? sharns male leviathan is wooing both the fat ladies
  2. my guys are showing blue but area behind shoulder is the last to turn no other colour there yet want to bring some females up to put with young from the big fellow
  3. i have some young (purchased as) royal blues just colouring up not all over blue yet time will tell, wish they would hurry as they are taking up tank space
  4. my females are a straight greyish colour males have slightly more colour to them i don't kmow too much about them except they breed well
  5. all i get is blub blub blub and the cold shoulder i like fish that aren't too noisy
  6. how can a fish be so blue and not be sad or cold they are a beautiful fish hardest part of breeding malawis is making sure you keep track of the females as in a few species the females look alike
  7. the royal blue we have the red shoulder have definite red patch on shoulder the flash can make it more yellow though it is really hard working from photos a slight angle on fish can make them look nore slender also lighting or mood can have an effect on the colour they appear even overseas sites have slight difference in colours and shapes of photos its got me beat sometimes best idea is to put a lot of clues together and make a choice
  8. onus is on the pet shops and anyone else selling a turtle or any other animal to ensure it is going to an owner who understands and can provide all its basic needs and requirements
  9. i usually range between 80 and 95% of eggs put down but i do just set up incubation and leave it till hatchtime left 10 nests inground this year, nothing hatched from those
  10. going by photos is hard but on the site mentioned they are close to Aulonocara stuartgranti (Metangula) Aulonocara stuartgranti (Ntekete) in amongst the variants there is slight difference in individuals so who knows, all i know as these have been in a closed gene pool for a few years
  11. just keeping about 6, the rest are to go
  12. originally swapped as fry of red shouldered chilumba the guy has been breeding them for a few years now parents are stunning, bloodline is 8 years old have about 30 odd fish all identical for shape etc.
  13. can you be species specific
  14. what are these guys? any ideas?
  15. there was a thread a few months back that contained some useful scientific facts on beef heart etc i think the fat content in heart muscle is quite low found it for you http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/1-vt28 ... sc&start=0
  16. went fishing about 25 years ago and pulled up an old fan belt with a pair of seahorses attached, into a bucket and then a tank at home with daily waterchanges, lived next to habour so was easy. No one else keeping marines so into the library, an old american book on keeping marines and away it went tropical marines started by swapping the local stuff i had to Harold in rotorua for tropical marines for his display tanks at the original wonderworld, thanks harold reefing started with gannet pestering me to set a tank up thanks gannet then thanks to all for the swaps and frags since then
  17. scotish- from the land of scote welcome Oh Great Moojin
  18. detritus feeders so will eat almost anything even algae not ghost shrimp different species - burrowing ghost shrimp is Callianassa filholi or the one in local water with red mark through middle is Palaemon affinis, or New Zealand glass shrimp,
  19. put ours in a coldwater tank and raised temp over a week period worked for us
  20. Paratya curvirostris is the one stella, if thats the right name i have found they live equally well in full salt or freshwater or tropical
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