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Everything posted by livingart

  1. been there done that the dying bit that is if you lived my life you would believe what i believe and if i had lived your life i would believe what you believe
  2. covered in walkway at the back for security of birds getting out you can open back door and let birds into walkway while you clean the cage etc birds will go to end away from you, but not the tame ones
  3. open day the 11th of october as our way of saying thanks to everyone sausage sizzle etc any other ideas for the day big thanks to jim sy and animates for the animates sausage sizzle their staff are funding the sausages as well, thank you caroline has been hugged, you can't hug me though because of too many weetbix you get the news before i do ballistic
  4. last time i went to a medium i told her a joke and when she started laughing i hit her so i could strike a happy medium if you do go to a medium don't pay them as if they were truly in touch with a spirit they woukd know you weren't going to pay
  5. not much sleep, still suffering shell shock i think spent the day just going through the motions just noticed this thread has had 16,742 views must be a record for a ballistic thread, well done my man
  6. thanks to all for the works and words you have 2 years to visit in before we go down this road again:D last night was not good for me had managed to sort out over 900 k of finance and the lawyer told me at 5 oclock that i had to find 35k more to preload into the banks accounts after finding 120k for the same purpose the day before this had to be done by 12 noon, pretty down night, no sleep had it done by 9 0clock this morning the universe was smiling on me
  7. ooh its asleep thats when i like them best congrats many good luck wishes for the future
  8. good stuff repto new keepers it pays to listen to the old fellas
  9. will write the story up while its fresh in my mind i felt like an old circus trick dog working with a demented, bi-polar, schizoid ringmaster making me jump through some hoops and everytime i achieved a trick they put another hoop in front of me as you get older the battles in life should get fewer not harder
  10. Living Art says: THANK YOU and a big thank you it is Thank You to all the people who have offered support, made donations of animal food or money to the effort to keep the park up and running, We have had our loan approved to carry on our work with Living Art Wildlife Park, It has been a 10 month crazy roller coaster ride of highs and lows, offers then rejection of finance, High Court injunctions and dealing with our trials and tribulations being in the public eye. The positive comments and thoughts have far outweighed the few negative ones that have been put forward. Now for the thank yous’, if I leave anyone out please give me a spanking, John Borren and the team at Bay of Plenty Times for starting the ball rolling, Mystic and Ballistic for keeping the ball in momentum and posting on the forums, Mystic has been sick but still working to help. FNZAS admin and mods for allowing the thread to continue, the forum members for their thoughts and donations, you know who you are. Many people who are not forum members have followed this thread. Kaz for building and updating our website for us to keep everyone informed. Alison Adams for fixing my computer to allow me to get back on here. Seahorsecrazy and tom for the donation of a ute for the park, yes it will be covered in zebra stripes. Don, Doug, Shirley and Sid, and Kim for large contributions to the fighting fund, Huha.org for info and a lawyer for setting up the charitable trust, Tauranga Zoo and Sanctuary Trust will shortly be a reality. The future looks good even in this economic climate and living art will become a true community project, the lesson in all this has been that if you truly believe in something you should fight as best you can for it and you maybe surprised at the result. THANKS again to all involved, and those I have missed…….i am waiting for the spanking Cheers mark
  11. Living Art says: THANK YOU Thank You to all the people who have offered support, made donations of animal food or money to the effort to keep the park up and running, We have had our loan approved to carry on our work with Living Art Wildlife Park, It has been a 10 month crazy roller coaster ride of highs and lows, offers then rejection of finance, High Court injunctions and dealing with our trials and tribulations being in the public eye. The positive comments and thoughts have far outweighed the few negative ones that have been put forward. Now for the thank yous’, if I leave anyone out please give me a spanking, John Borren and the team at Bay of Plenty Times for starting the ball rolling, Mystic and Ballistic for keeping the ball in momentum and posting on the forums, Mystic has been sick but still working to help. FNZAS admin and mods for allowing the thread to continue, the forum members for their thoughts and donations, you know who you are. Many people who are not forum members have followed this thread. Kaz for building and updating our website for us to keep everyone informed. Alison Adams for fixing my computer to allow me to get back on here. Seahorsecrazy and tom for the donation of a ute for the park, yes it will be covered in zebra stripes. Don, Doug, Shirley and Sid, and Kim for large contributions to the fighting fund, Huha.org for info and a lawyer for setting up the charitable trust, Tauranga Zoo and Sanctuary Trust will shortly be a reality. The future looks good even in this economic climate and living art will become a true community project, the lesson in all this has been that if you truly believe in something you should fight as best you can for it and you maybe surprised at the result. THANKS again to all involved, and those I have missed…….i am waiting for the spanking Cheers mark
  12. thanks big heaps application was finished this morning, signed off at 9am then pick up and take to the bank and see if we can push them along everything i have 2 of is crossed too hard to drive with your eyes and ears crossed my computer has crashed so i am using a cobbled together computer till the other is fixed will carry your thoughts and wishes with me today kia kaha
  13. local council have worked their butts off this week, approval is being signed off on monday mornng now just need BNZ to come to the party on monday
  14. maybe miracle do happen thanks to Kaz of code monkey website solutions for the website, shehas done a marvellous job another one of the unseen supporters of living art
  15. well if you set up the predator proof habitats one never knows what may happen
  16. you may get away with keeping fish and axys together but the end scenario might be the death of one of the individuals involved
  17. good idea as it may be of interest to many
  18. 1080 is off topc heard the govt are shareholders in the plant that produces it maybe it is on topic as it may concern archey frogs ie can they absorb it through their skins ? the graf boys video is a good watch
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