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Everything posted by livingart

  1. i see one sealpoint i have cages, closer than ballistic but not as close as the bulldog god
  2. hey marklb would you like to invest in 3 packets of krispie biscuits
  3. good PR exercise a lot of people commented that it is unheard of nowadays for a business to do a free day a lot of people who had never been before were blown away by how big the place was and how much stuff was down here got approached by 3 teachers for school visits i wonder what tomorrow will bring life is indeed a wondrous wee beastie
  4. Awesome day guys over 563 cars, missed counting a few :oops: probably close on 3,000 people sold 459 sausages with sauce lots of donations $253 from the garage sale of donated goods the quilt got raffled, raised $100 and the winner gave it back to the park to raffle again the car parking was pandemonium, we got trashed i got up at 5am, thought i would get my work done and then have a shower and shave ready for the volunteers arriving at 8am i am going to get that shower as soon as i finish this thanks to our team of volunteers you were all magic and we couldn't have survived the day without you
  5. sorry to wreck the ute donated by Tom and seahorsecrazy well done guys awesome day
  6. (I think mainly from lack of knowledge) or hard of hearing frybergi and firebird might sound the same
  7. i asked the big guy upstairs for fine weather the reply i got was "you humans have mucked up the planet so much, i can't control the weather anymore" will be fine, i hope all the volunteers turn up will raffle the quilt and see what happens thanks jude
  8. best we can do is ensure we breed from known stock and market as that
  9. i know some frogs and native flora and fauna who would call that a property valuation
  10. Hypophthalmichthys nobilis or as the americans say "roundup those bigheads boys"
  11. Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri
  12. parcels have arrived one from hans, halides and fishfood thank you very much, needed at the moment other from jude, a lot of time has been put into the quilt she has made as ballistic said the photo doesn't do it justice, wow thanks for the time and effort jude, what price should i put on this it would look lovely on a babies bed looks good on our wall
  13. "Truck" one of our turtles came to us as she had been run over by a truck split her shell open on one side and a piece was adrift from the rest of shell we fibreglassed her back together and 6 months later it fell off with new shell grown underneath the new piece of shell has no scutes on it 12 years on she is one of our best breeders
  14. makes them taste better 20kg of sodium chloride or ckean sea salt yours for shipping cost
  15. can it survive out of water
  16. remember the axolotl we have in nz is Ambystoma mexicanum not a tiger salamander which is prettier http://www.axolotl.org/index.htm
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