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Everything posted by livingart

  1. is your female holding mystic, its taken 18 mnihs for our biggest to get to 25cms they have always been in the 2.4 x .6 x .6 mixed african tank fairly steady fish in the tank
  2. weed matting can provide a lot of grip to an active dragon plastic sheeting may be more unclimable
  3. well done repto that is the main thing many people miss when housing multiple dragons the unseen threat, the alpha dragon in our set got skinny through constantly worrying about holding his dominant position and not feeding enough, no fighting was observed
  4. put this pic up before full sheet front and back plus .250 strip on bottom mdf cover sheets $20 glass for front $150 ends fly screen inserts
  5. merry xmas to all phone call a 6.39am to wish us a merry xmas rang early as they knew we get going early the one day this year to have a sleep in :evil: lucky we were up as at 7 got a call from a lady with a young bittern so went and picked it up awesome present for xmas this year :bounce: merry xmas
  6. i currently have 7 together it is a large enclosure though
  7. get a barraband or princess if you want quiet
  8. thanks for the pics can't see the puffers but i can see the whistler tadpoles
  9. you can look around for an old china cabinet and use glass from that sometimes cheaper than buying it
  10. big yes to the shovelnose pacus don't do anything for me
  11. have you read the whole thread charlie? there is more than one way of doing a controlled release and the applicant has to form the ihs for approval correct me if i am wrong
  12. i polyurethaned mine about 3 coats inside and out or paint outside black
  13. you maybe right dixon http://www.thewatersnake.com/forums/upl ... 231994.jpg these fish are black though and thats about the size of the big one
  14. i use MDF cover sheets for the timber $5 each from timber supplies
  15. nice fish henward i got given all the polystyrene for the new tank today
  16. basically 2 tests from different vets then we need to research and answer any issues brought up frpm bloods approach doc for their stance on releasing tortoise into general population adress danger they may pose to native animals adress the issue that they eat grass and may compete with sheep and rabbits consult iwi point out and rebutt any possible negatives then outline why they should be released chances of success greater if it comes from a group not individuals also do individual submissions as well go to tv if necessary to stir things along has anyone talked to the auck zoo about this as well
  17. i can understand that broms the whole system makes me feel like that but i have learnt to play the paper war game intelligence seems to be something those in aothority can function without sometimes
  18. forget what i wrote about a register and concentrate on release of tortoise
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