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Everything posted by livingart

  1. sadly the answer is yes
  2. i don't think the words normal and defect go together
  3. antn's synos not exactly sure of adress at this stage
  4. i am looking to get 2 fish to Tauranga from the Auckland area pickup will be in Waitakerie city or help to bag them up and ship please cheers
  5. sorry all babies are gone have another round started now culture and collect food, mysis and pods also BBS
  6. push the supplier again
  7. if you can find an estuary, some of the crabs shrimp and small triplefins last awhile and provide food for your fish
  8. my brackish tank 2 years old runs on natural salt water and fresh
  9. i am going to paint them the right colours the air brush is primed and i have test pots of metallic acrylic paint no i am not serious
  10. what is a peruvian angel ? is it a Pterophyllum scalare caught in the amazon river basin in peru? or is that a name put on a colour or pattern variety?
  11. livingart

    My new 5ft

    i think you have had too many chocolates
  12. yes well done on the way you handled yourself ryan in the face of some abrupt responses
  13. sorry wrong side, that was the side knot was on put paua eye in the other side wanted a keepsake of it but didn't want to keep it in the tank any longer
  14. i did an exact size carving of it when it was in the tank, made out of an old fence post DOC guy estimated it around 40 yrs old it loved maggots and any insect i could throw in there i hope he wasn't in its hole either there are some other giants here but none i have seen near the size of this one
  15. giants are slow growers, get to arond 150mm then take ages to put on much size have a 43cm specimen in our system, haven't seen it since the recent landslip in the fernery destroyed its favourite hole had it in a tank for 2 years
  16. from herald article, the first line in story the bull is still living in the gully
  17. the pictures paint a thousand words
  18. they may be big enough to not get eaten
  19. thanks loopy is the red the male colouration?
  20. the bottom one is embarrassed for you :oops:
  21. any ideas on what species of metynnis please and their sex please?
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