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Everything posted by livingart

  1. for your edification caper http://www.doc.govt.nz/conservation/nat ... facts/eel/
  2. because of the length the male is unable to achieve breeding properly
  3. the wider the better congrats on the new house to you both
  4. room looks good david you might be able to get 2 tanks in there once you get rid of the little one on your thread
  5. probably the same things then plastic tight fitting containers will contain them or keep the moths out it is a matter of getting rid of their food source i suppose the lizards, newts and fish love them funny to watch the small newts taking a while to get them down
  6. sorry guys didn't have time for pics will try over the next few days when it settles down will try and weigh it properly too eel pool is about 20,000 litres
  7. wet day today, no customers and a bit of free time so decided to see how many eels are in our stream raided the freezer and stole a lamb forequarter (told Caroline it had bad freezer burn) , tied a rope on it and popped it in one of the pools in the stream waited a 1/2hr and had about 30 smallish eels hanging off it and doing death rolls to tear off chunks so i tied it to a waratah (steel fence stake) left it for an hour and then came back to it when i got back the waratah was bent over at about a 30 degree angle and because of the rain the water was pretty murky, where the rope dissapeared into the water was a mass of writhing eel bodies that looked like medusas head with a bad lice infestation pulling on the rope took a fair bit of effort but as the forequarter emerged a coil of black anaconda rolled around in the boil up and the rope was pulled out of my hand a quick dash back to the office and i was armed with a large round whitebait scoop net and a helper while the helper slowly pulled on the rope i perched on the bank with net fully armed and ready part of a big black head emerged and about 4 feet behind a tail came out of the brown soup of water, so i plungd the net in behind the tail as the head released the meat and turned to go downstream lifting the net resulted in me flat on my back and one gumboot full of water with the net on top of me , a bit heavier than i thought it would be i folded the net over and attempted to scramble up the bank so nice little helper dragged me up by the scruff of my neck and i dragged the mud covered net we stood up and i flipped the net over and out slithered a large length of black drainage tube (best description i can come up with) onto the wet grass and headed back to the stream a mad scramble ensued till it was back in the net, and after another dash back to the office the drainage tube is now cruising in the eel pool the eels head is just on 10 inches long, body about 6 feet long and after consulting my helper weighs in excess of 20kgs it is now the queen of the eel pool we returned to the bait and have caught another 3, close but not as big as arnie the anaconda
  8. so we are talking TOTAL INFESTATION then
  9. yea gemscott cage doesn't have to be huge if bird is getting out on a daily basis take care with the cat, ie: don't leave them alone together as i have heard too many sad stories concerning much loved birds and "safe" cats putting clips on all the doors and wiring base on so if the cat does it again while no-one is there may be a good idea
  10. i feel the words leg and pulling should be used in a sentence somewhere here
  11. neurological problems can show as a continual roll when swimming sometimes whereas swimbladder is usually a bit jerkier with a swollen stomach isolation in shallow water is as ryan suggested your best move
  12. only one of each night was partially eaten most just had bite marks to the back of the neck when we first started on the property we had a local idiot who thought it was funny one night to chuck a tame ferret into the main pen we had setup it killed 17 guinea pigs, 5 young turkeys and 4 young pheasants before i caught up with it
  13. sadly ferrets kill for no reason as well 5 dead birds and only one partially eaten
  14. i just sieve the flour, pancakes still taste the same what are yours invading bulldogod?
  15. just start handling them daily when they start showing pinfeathers wait till mum is out of the nest no perfume or anything like that on your hands, no i am not suggesting you wear perfume you can make your own hand rearing mix but HR not necessary with budgies or cockatiels males are best as pets as they talk best, sexing takes an experienced eye at a young age
  16. i think caper is right sorry missed that one :oops: wait for more opinions before making your descision baino
  17. caper are you up early or going to bed late?
  18. probably the same as trimming your fingernails, oh anthropomorphic one
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