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Everything posted by livingart

  1. not an expert but been round nature a long time know of rarer or uncommon species that have lost the ability to care for their young through generations of having their young taken from them prefer to let nature take its course and only step in as a last resort just my opinion
  2. yes it is exciting when your dream fish do their thing i find my brain goes out the window, lol a useful article here http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... icle_id=98 Tim Holliday removes the female one week after first noticing they are holding
  3. hi lynnie, congrats one of my females is holding for the first time i am just letting her do her thing until i am sure she is carrying young then will seperate her i like my females to raise a batch or 2 by themselves, it is just a personal feeling but i think stripping females for the first few times can possibly lead to them not holding well in the future again it is just my thoughts good luck with her
  4. not good if a disease is found in the shipment
  5. the colour of an adult budgies cere is related to the health of the bird some males can brown off slightly if they are not in a breeding mood going dark brown can indicate a hormone imbalance
  6. proper brumation is a big key to fertility rate
  7. it is not the egglaying, it is the incubation, then the live food, then the time and costs of original investment that keep the cost up i don't bother as don't have the time for production of large amounts of live food and had a few end up in inexperienced hands. not good
  8. if you have little ones there must be big ones somewhere
  9. The claws on this guy were almost as long as he was!
  10. http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo14 ... -09091.jpg The claws on this guy were almost as long as he was! http://i370.photobucket.com/albums/oo14 ... -09093.jpg
  11. hi preacher i think the problem is too many pics in one post try seperating into a couple of pics per post
  12. save your daughters some work barrie just start each bit on a new line then you don't have to worry about punchinganation
  13. tough little fish fish club meeting this sunday if yoiur interested the guppies you gave me have doubled in number
  14. internal filters are alright but require more regular cleaning as well as more frequent water changes IMO
  15. very well done now stop cuddling it
  16. setting up trays outside with marsh or bog plants etc growing in them then recirculating the water through them like a mini wetlands may work as stella mentioned watercress in them may give you a cash crop as well
  17. you need a portable generator or a solar panel umbrella
  18. it is a relef when you open the bag and they are alright good luck with them
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