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Everything posted by livingart

  1. very clean water and an established system so long as it is small can be kept in a bucket overnight if you are doing show and tell then airstones in bucket will work to keep them alive but do a 50% waterchange every 8 hrs or sooner
  2. well done an intelligent and gentlemanly discussion as stated these fish show variation within localities http://www.fishbase.gr/Summary/SpeciesS ... hp?id=8164 Dorsal spines (total): 15 - 18; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 12; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 8 - 9. Diagnosis: 3 lateral spots on the body; supra-pectoral spot about 1.5 times the supra-anal spot; supra-pectoral spot separate from upper lateral line; supra-anal spot smaller than 2 scales; males in breeding coloration with blue breast, narrow yellow marginal band in anal fin and without spots or streaks in the anal fin (Ref. 57549). Description: dorsal snout profile straight; gape inclination of mouth about 40° to horizontal; jaws isognathous; teeth on dentary and premaxilla in 3-4 rows, outer row teeth unicuspid and somewhat enlarged in mature males (> 80 mm SL) and bicuspid in females and immature males; lower pharyngeal jaw small, dentigerous area notched posteriorly, with bicuspid teeth, all small or with few median teeth slightly enlarged; gill-rakers on ceratobranchial short and slender; 3-4 teeth rows in upper and lower jaw; 2-3 scale rows on cheek; 1-2 pored scales posterior to lateral line (Ref. 57549). Coloration: breeding males: head blue with green highlights; interorbital blue with light-blue highlights; blue opercle; throat gray with blue highlights; lateral portion of body dark blue ground color dorsally, fading to blue/gray ventrally, with 8 dark gray bars; breast and belly greenish blue with dark-gray markings; dorsal fin dark blue with green and light-blue highlights and a white marginal band with yellow/white lappets; caudal fin with blue rays and blue/green membranes, distal 1/4 dark gray; anal fin blue to green/blue with very narrow marginal orange/yellow band; pectoral fin with gray rays and clear membranes; pelvic fin with blue/green rays and blue/gray membranes (Ref. 57549). Females: head gray dorsally, fading to white ventrally; blue and silver highlights on cheek; throat white; lateral portion of body gray/blue ground color with anterior portion of scale outlined in orange/yellow; 3 distinct black spots on lateral portion of body; supra-pectoral spot below 10-12th scale not in contact with upper lateral line and about 1.5 times size of supra-anal spot; supra-anal spot at 23-25th scale above and in contact with lower lateral line and covering less than 2 scales; caudal spot same diameter as supra-anal spot on caudal base; 8 gray bars and white belly with gray highlights; 3 vertical bars between supra-pectoral spot and dorsal fin origin; dorsal fin clear with pale orange/gray vermiculations in rayed portion and orange lappets; caudal fin with clear rays and orange/gray membranes; anal fin clear with scattered micromelanophores, 6-8 pale orange ocelli and orange lappets between rays; pectoral fin clear; pelvic fin clear with light-gray membrane between first and second ray (Ref. 57549).
  3. nice white or creamy coloured pumice is good, do not use it if too much reds, dark browns etc in it
  4. he now has my number and a 200l plastic drum for transporting live fish back setup on board they were fishing live baits for john dory on a small reef
  5. but will still probably end up moving the same material just with a different instument
  6. for the price the leos are i thought the supplier would have ensured you were set up properly to care for them
  7. you should have seen the cowfish PP skipper told me 3 weeks earlier caught a lionfish and just cut the line to get rid of it
  8. tank is outside in shade, avg temp 18c using PHII test didn't think you could see the 7.9kg trevally in the photo firenzenz warehou succumbed to a prat
  9. Allomycterus jaculiferus, Porcupinefish, fairly common in the bay
  10. maybe the same people who did the hamilton zoo
  11. go into your local dept of conversation and apply for a job keep on going back till they give you one
  12. 1st day off in a few years caroline and i spent the day out at mayor island pity the cow fish was too deeply hooked :evil:
  13. :oops: i sincerely apologise for some of the characters who make up my personality
  14. nature is marvellous and the more you learn about it the less we seem to know
  15. pity i am so far away my palps are vibrating with the thought of it
  16. fish eating birds in nz would be kingfishers and the odd pukeko putting waste tank water into your daphnia cultures may help to spread it there though
  17. pretty sure camellanus doesn't need an intermediate host The transmission is faecal, so usually through ingesting the worm larvae or eggs i could be wrong though
  18. yes ryan saw a couple of cichlids in a lfs the other day thay were in an asvanced stage so all others in the tank would possibly be infected
  19. can come in in new fish, can take a month or more to show, so can get through a short quarantine period that a hobbyist might do
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