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Everything posted by livingart

  1. WELCOME TO THE FORUM where are you located ? i have several large females
  2. bottled spirits are best with a nice mixer i like bourbon and coke or tequila and orange juice
  3. some of the people on here may never have needed a CV for a job applicarion or were not hired for their ability with the english language i love the english language but realise there are others in this world who don't have the same love for it or "want" to use it correctly i try to avoid making any judgement on people as i haven't walked in their shoes through their life experiences that have brought them to the people they are today
  4. from the care sheet, some of the other foods they eat
  5. welcome to the forums tiny putting your location in may help find a local to help you
  6. hi tiny welcome to the forum what else are you feeding the beardie and what size locusts is it eating? some good info can be found here viewtopic.php?f=40&t=42391
  7. sadly intelligence and social skills do not go hand in hand
  8. you don't need to be here if it looks like a site full of retards to you al related abilities, with a deficit in one of them you can still be intelligent an intelligent person would realise through reasoning that the world is made up of many different people with different levels of intelligence you may think of yourself as intelligent because of your ability with the written word but would an intelligent person have made some of the statements you have made in that post on a forum full of retards wooossshhh, right over the top of the cranium
  9. met a few people in my life who couldn't read or write but they weren't retards more successes if you measure the intelligence of someone by their ability with the iingrish language it may be construed as a measure of your own intelligence
  10. sadly it can be hard to express emotion for some in the written word let alone spell it properly
  11. so that would be 130 + the cost of light unit and tube?
  12. yes they work IMO there are better and cheaper ways of achieving the same or better result not an expert though
  13. there is a way to find out those posts were only my personal opinion don't forget
  14. any moulded tanks i think if you look at the gass near the top from an oblique angle you can sometimes see ripple in it
  15. as during the forming process i think the glass surface can have imperfections that can cause any drilling to impact on the integrity of the glass i think
  16. ok do do on a normal tank but ready made tanks are a different kettle of fish and barries stats are pretty accurate
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