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Everything posted by livingart

  1. thats what you can get when you play with nature if it was a breeding EBJD why dose it?
  2. a man eating fish is when i get a meal from the local takeaways
  3. so long as she is a safe runner i don't minf what i drive the older cars at least i can work on myself
  4. then be careful they don't jump out of the pond getting the live food
  5. livingart

    My tank

    doing some terracing will help the look
  6. no i kept on missing with the facepalm and hitting the top of my head you can't grow much on a busy highway
  7. livingart

    My tank

    i don't know if adding gravel will stop your plants getting pulled out
  8. thats what happens when you keep 2 cars of different species in the same garage hybridisation
  9. over the years of keeping other peoples animals as a job and then my own and losing some as well i have developed to not become too attached to them but some through their characters still get under my skin
  10. kick myself every time i think of it which is often, should have known better the only thing good at hindsight is a stag mesh lid has been made for that now
  11. was actually trying to clarify for myself
  12. lost the jar :evil: it jumpeed, had the lids off and lights on of a night to feed on huhu beetles and moths 9pm went up to house came back at 10pm turned lights off and put lids on did a few other chores then walked past aro tank on the way upstairs thought something was wrong, stood there lookibg at tank in the dark and realisedjar wasn't there ran around the outside and found it laying under tank still warm but dead sad time, my favourite fish 28 inches
  13. the "to sump" pipe determines the height of the tank water the u tube is allowing tank water to flow to the "to sump" pipe container so long as the u tube is full of water it will flow water is pumped from the sump, this then flows through the overflow system to the sump when the sump pump stops the water displacement remains static, no flow the outlet of the pipe from sump pump needs to be above level of tank water to stop flow back to the sump if pump stops this can be achieved with a non return valve or a hole above water level to break syphon back
  14. big square mesh, the small insect screen stuff will make it less effective
  15. where man and the environment are concerned nothing is normal :evil:
  16. thought all you bird guys would have known about PBFD wasn't here until some people smuggled some birds in from aussie a few years ago and then people moan about our strict bio security can be passed on by handling or walking around an infected bird then walking into your shop or home the word is, claim, to have treated budgies look for birds with overgrown of flaky beaks and toenails and no flight or tail feathers there was a few expensive birds in auckland sold for cheap a few years back came out of infected aviaries
  17. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/3514481 ... ve-parrots
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