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Everything posted by livingart

  1. before i sell fish i try to make sure the person knows how to float off properly, water parameter testing, how long their tank has been setup etc you can only rely on their honesty though if they were healthy in my tank and died straight away in theirs i would put it down to not enough acclaimatisation or vast difference in water parameters if they die a week or so later i believe it is the other persons responsibility
  2. love the yardleys tank is looking good
  3. it can be that sometimes on the internet we don't think about the mental state of people we are replying to with posts i wouldn't want to feel that i was the last one to put a straw on the camels back
  4. jewel anenomes, same as the orange ones they do look a bit like polyps
  5. consolidating and moving some of the local stuff indoors for winter had a 2m x.5x.5 running a syphon overflow drilled it with 2 overflow holes and made a better stand for it stand is tanalised rough sawn 2x 4 and covered with 3 cover sheets of MDF 20mm all sealed and painted total cost 90 bucks need to make the sump next some of the inhabitants
  6. i think house needs a treadmill or he won't be able to ride the tube to get out of mouse heaven
  7. leucistic axie x normal will give you nrmal looking offspring the pied gene can be dominant though
  8. i have them mixed in slightly smaller
  9. i would run with iras' suggestion silicone is a sealant not a glue methinks
  10. welcome to the forum jambls i am afraid you have reached your quota for smileys
  11. maybe a common skink just done a partial skin shed the northland skink presumed extinct was fairly dark and thin bodied, up to 350mm nz skinks can exist in small areas or pockets of bush with very small gene pools
  12. it is like many people, we do research but always like to get an idea of peoples personal experiences with things also part of being a human being is we are a social animal and like totalk to other like minded people
  13. yes there are a lot more people turning to local tanks amazing what you find in your backyard Jewel Anemone (Corynactis haddoni) The jewel anemone is named for its brilliant range of colouration, Individuals may be bright orange, red, green, pink or white and the tentacles are usually contrasting colours. The body of this anemone is smooth, and squat. The mouth is in the centre of three rings of up to 100 tentacles each ending in a small bulb; this anemone grows up to 2cm in size. Jewel anenomes live in shaded spots on exposed coasts where they are usually found underneath rocky overhangs or on vertical surfaces. They extend their tentacles and feed on drifting food particles such as planktons etc. Like other anemones, the jewel anemone can reproduce asexually by splitting, which leads to clusters of identically coloured clones, these clones joined to a common sheet-like base can often join each other forming patchwork quilts of many colours.
  14. a 5cm whiptail is not much more than a couple of mouthfuls it will depend on the size of the other fish involved a lot of forums are about people asking questions
  15. have seen them kept and bred in smaller cages funny after 2 years together this should happen as said above for possible help
  16. good point firenzenz because of their genetic makeup this treatment could be hard on some fish
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