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Everything posted by livingart

  1. which groat are we talking?
  2. well done nick you got the other answewr your turn
  3. the answer lies in the riddle
  4. yes they are in 3 seperate tanks have to stand too far back to get the full tank shot and make out the little fishies
  5. said the cat but not before getting back to the phoenix rising from the ashes of the lbw descision made by umpire selpin eslaf who was from
  6. the words booming from the gramophone player If you've never been a frog kissin', then you don't know what you've been missin', There's a world of opportunity under each and every log. If you've never been a charm breaker and if you've never been a handsome prince maker, Just slow down, turn around, bend down and kiss you a frog. then
  7. good book, it starts with once upon a time there was a green guppy who liked cheese until 1day he turned yellow so he went on a quest to find the golden rabbit named hemlock...... on the way
  8. and like to gallivant about the lily pads while in my happy mood then fell over backwards and
  9. a talking frog who had lived for 200 years and had survived the folly of self obsession that came with youth but was slowly slipping into ennui with board games, so decided just to enjoy life just for the sheer hell of it the talking frog....
  10. so he finished that one and wrote a story that started once upon a time there was a green guppy who liked cheese until 1day he turned yellow so he went on a quest to find the golden rabbit named hemlock...... on the way
  11. to write the never ending story about
  12. the end bit of him was still left so being a magic guppy he transformed into patrick guppy the man from atlantis and started a dynasty of his own named ewing. one day ewing was shooting at some food and up from the ground came bubbling crude, black gold, texas t and his kinfolk said move to beverly hills where ......
  13. scatophagus argus Family: Scatophagidae Range: Indo-Pacific Size: Up to 12 inches Diet: Omnivore eats plants, crustaceans, insects almost anything Tank Set-up: Freshwater, Brackish, Marine: Plants, rocks, driftwood Light: Medium Temperament: Peaceful Swimming Level: No specific level Care Level: Moderate Reproduction: Egg Layer
  14. clowns ar a happening thing without pics
  15. well that is a wait and see 3 differents species of clown large footprint on tank 2.1 x .9 island of live rock in the middle 150 kg broken lines of site 3 anenomes cross your fingers its my circus tank
  16. i have an existing pair of maroon clowns and a pair of ocellaris clowns in the tank i got a pair of clarkiis and a green bubble tip anenome, another bta from auckland added all 3 to the tank tonight the clarks went straigh to their bta they came with the maroons have claimed the other one and the ocellaris are in their corner still hosting the silicone
  17. i would suggest that it maybe the antlers as they are originally a growing organism just a thought
  18. probably a strip down and wash the gravel can you add more water movement to tank, airstones etc
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