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Everything posted by livingart

  1. Nice stump, keep it and get a bigger tank
  2. so you put her in a seperate bin to feed her then put her back in her enclosure?
  3. how long since it has eaten whats your substrate looks a bit light to brumate do you feed fruit
  4. got a full body pic of it how long since it has eaten and what temp is it at
  5. is that Azolla Zev? http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=plant&PID=AF1
  6. bit of trial and error skippy and see how you go, water changes are your best tool and a low bio load
  7. just put it up as an example of what can be achieved local primary school here ran a 60 x 30 x 30 cm tank for 2 years running under gravel filters, berlin air operated skimmer, shell bed, inverts and plants weekly water changes, T8 gro light
  8. this guy runs canister filters on nz coldwater mainly jewel anenomes bigger tank but absolutely beautiful display http://www.reefkeepers.co.nz/forum/view ... f=10&t=424
  9. make some hyper tufa pots like small rock formations make the hyper tufa with the flourite
  10. the stones on top will restrict surface area of flourite just a thought but what about creating fine mesh bags to hold the plants and flourite instead of pots
  11. yes that woulfd help can you manage to fit in a 2ft cube?
  12. looks good have you just set that up?
  13. why would you get drop eye?
  14. so you were just going to add a green aro to the mix and now you are asking should you go american cichlids is that right?
  15. welcome to the forum
  16. livingart

    Did you know?

    for sale one underwater filling station for your fishes oxygen tanks will throw in 3 hectares of prime real estate on the bottom of wellington harbour
  17. it amazes me how you can describe something as rare and not give its scientific name to back up the claim it is rare
  18. i got one of thefishtank that is working well
  19. the bigger the beak the bigger the chunks nothing quite like a flesh eating psittacine to keep you awake
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