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Everything posted by livingart

  1. you could try enquiring at your local pet shop if they know of anyone who hire marine tanks HFF would be a good start marine tanks require a bit more to run than freshwater so i would imagine cost to hire one would be relatively expensive
  2. there is wire under the substrate i would imagine
  3. http://www.doc.govt.nz/conservation/thr ... nks/facts/
  4. also to import lizards into containment http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/imports/ ... ic.aus.htm
  5. it means that lizard eggs of species listed in appendix A are able to be imported into a zoo with ERMA approval Brachylophus vitiensis Fijian Crested Iguana Iguana iguana Common Iguana Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis Madagascar Day Gecko Pseudopus apodus Scheltopusik Varanus varius Lace Monitor Varanus goudii Goulds Monitor Chamaeleo jacksonii Jacksons Chameleon Brachylophus fasciatus Fiji Banded Iguana Gecko monarchus House Gecko Gehyra australis House Gecko this bit is interesting present in containment or in public hands
  6. i would imagine rainbow eggs would be a food source for natives
  7. get that fish may the force be with you
  8. all of the different goldfish types started as a fault
  9. we could be making assumptions the blue ram may be feeder fish and the koura could be on a slow cook
  10. blue ram, koura, same tank :facepalm:
  11. check the rest of your rocks for bubble algae looks like a bit under the mushrooms as well
  12. if you can supply the crays i don't think forming a club would be hard
  13. there can be many factors that contribute to the overheating can't necessarily blame the deaths on overheating
  14. what guarantee do you have that he was actually 6 months old when you got him?
  15. at the moment it would be :lol:
  16. fully enclosed and lights? column sump less surface area? open garage door a bit?
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