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Everything posted by livingart

  1. there are some good reptile ones around
  2. please try to make this meeting lots to talk about and to share
  3. where? :happy1: don't know how that happened :oops:
  4. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=50527 congrats on safe arrival
  5. livingart


    gotta love this part i wonder if the fish hear the warning signals
  6. livingart


    koura won't climb out of a smooth sided bath but can climb on plants and if bath is full to the brim climb out then watch for over flowing in heavy rain you could drill bath below the rim and attach an over flow with strainer to stop inhabitants escaping cast iron rewires slow drilling with heaps of grunt number of fish will be dependant on how clean you keep the water water changes and moderate feeding had my eels and kokopu etc in this
  7. deja vu :nilly: with treatments not working you may have to do some culling as soon as they show signs of disease if you are running gravel in Q tank remove it and wash plastic plants or remove real plants bare tank and plastic plants for cover in QT
  8. are you quarantining fish as soon as they show any sign of a problem? water change regime?
  9. i have accidentally had some africans cross, culled most of young while still small kept a few separate to grow on just to see what they looked like some were ugly a few were very nice tank space and time stopped me continuing down the track to fix a strain
  10. the odd one will pay most come, look, then do it themselves
  11. about 3 1/2 hrs maybe a tad more i usually go over kaimais through morrinsville i think or is that matamata :dunno:
  12. livingart


    please remember to keep the pics within our guidelines
  13. only a possible problem if your water dissolved oxygen levels are very low
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