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Everything posted by livingart

  1. yes their bio balls seem to work well, no problems with mine so far
  2. sorry but i tend to agree with repto
  3. so are they copper skinks or rainbow skinks?
  4. it may have WBD :lol: so i passed it on to someone else
  5. should have been at the fish club tonight they were handing out food for small fry
  6. they are the next stage in a mosquito's life mozzie puppies or pupa to be correct this is the time the mosquito turns into an adult It takes about two days before the adult is fully developed and the pupal skin splits and the mosquito emerges to suck blood
  7. reticulated puffer http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/ug. ... ticularis/
  8. you were lucky your mum didn't let you watch it the books are good though get a bit drawn out in the end of series
  9. so you didn't know the sex of the bluey you had already when you purchased the new one? how big is their enclosure? it could be mating it could be dominance
  10. you are booked in the pointy stick group
  11. how do you know they are a male and female pair?
  12. i have found albino x albino progeny to be weaker but the way ID has bred them produces stronger offspring with better colouring amphibian gene inheritance is still no researched fully and some amphibs don't seem to express recessive genes as other animals do just because you should expect 25% albino doesn't mean you will get that % some years maybe none and others maybe 50% genetics is not a guaranteed science especially when it comes to amphibs
  13. :love: http://www.birdrescue.org.nz/bird-rescu ... aland.html
  14. won't make he journey by the looks of it do you have a permit to look after it? you could put it in a box overnight with a bit of water if still alive in the morning see if it will fly maybe just concussion if not, bird rescue
  15. kingfisher maybe hit by car put in a cardboard box and contact bird rescue
  16. you don't send me flowers anymore &c:ry
  17. or add some excitement to your life send them to yourself signed anonymous
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