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Everything posted by livingart

  1. :rotf: it was indeed slipping now she can drive it again
  2. put in bucket of salt water with small powerhead or airstone for a week then use copper test kit it still may not show small amounts though
  3. i braced under tank base with 2 x 1 box section steel with 1 x 1 legs then removed cabinet divider
  4. son found work hard to find here, did summer work in aus and uk now full time in UK
  5. kiwipetz, fraser cove will order bits in for you, they are only shop with marine tank atm bayside aquaculture have fish, corals and additives for sale but it is by appointment only
  6. 70% + of all taxa are endemic
  7. i would suggest that a single sheet of thick ply would be more level than multiple pieces of decking timber
  8. got to love those deep sea fish they'll eat anything :sml1:
  9. would be interesting genetically to get blue from brown/red
  10. may fade as it matures, have seen dark babies here any pics of blue adult?
  11. that will all depend on what genetics the originals were carrying there may be a few sports pop up though alleles are a funny thing in the way they combine
  12. interesting, did they go through his paw to get to the colon
  13. your frog got the hump with you? did you call it quasimodo or does its face not ring a bell?
  14. highly coloured morphs in only a few generations may be an indicator of smuggled animals then it may be a result of line breeding with todays technology and the limited paternal line it will be relatively easy to tell
  15. if it doesn't work its in if it works its line
  16. both depending on the genetics being transferred
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