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Everything posted by markoshark

  1. as to realisim, i have no clues Perhaps.. run the filter in normally, and have a powerhead filter running water down the waterfall? i'm just thinking of my 404, and know how much water i need through that to keep my tank clean (and its quite a bit smaller than yours)... Something i have seen in model railways is PVC pipe melted, and then slate and rocks glued to that in a series of waterfalls, and painted. But then, it falls back to fish-safe-paint, especially with effectively warm salt running over it.
  2. I have a feeling that you may require two heaters, as a fair bit of temp will be lost with the water coming down the waterfall. Because the filter output pushes out a lot of water, what i'd try to do is have the filter outlet pointing into a perspex "box" vertically, and then having the water cascade from there, if you just point it down the waterfall, i suspect that you won't have much water there at all, it will all just go flying into the tank. For the banks, nylon coated chickenwire, and tie rocks on with nylon, and plant it. Nylon should vanish quickly if you use fine stuff.
  3. Ookay. My list has changed a LOT since I first though it up. Tank now contains: 3x Silver Shark 5x Clown Loach 2x Port Hoplo Catfish 1x Pantadon Butterfly 1x Black Ghost Knife 3x Zebra Longfin Danios 1x Black Phantom Tetra 1x Guppy with a munted tail 4/5x Green & Gold Sevrums (weeliddlebabies) 1x Blue Male Fighter 1x Female Purpleyish Female Fighter. 1x Albino Pleco. Sevrums, the guppy, and the tetra will be going into a smaller hex tank, the pantadon seems to think that the male fighter is its friend. Either that or the male fighter is going "wooo fins, another lady!", but i'm watching the aggression between them rather carefully. And the Danios are being "donated" to someone else Re-Updated list of what will be in my tanks: 3foot: 3x Silver Shark 6x Clown Loach 2x Port Hoplo Catfish 1x Pantadon Butterfly 1x Black Ghost Knife 1x Blue Male Fighter 1x Female Purpleyish Female Fighter. 1x Peacock Eel 2foot: 5x Baby Sevrums 2x Red Jewel Cichlids 2x Firemouth Cichlids 1x Albino Pleco 1x Munted Guppy 1x Black Widow Tetra
  4. I need to drop the current of my tank down a bit, so i'm looking to get a spraybar, and mount it 1/2 way along my tank, going to the rhs of the tank, and on the lhs the filter intake. Will this give 1/2 the tank high water movement, and 1/2 slower movement? - trying to get the pantadon outta the corners of the tank Or, putting the spraybar a fair way below the surface of the water, and putting it on the RHS of the tank, input on the lhs. If i do this, and therefore decrease the surace agitation, will I also need to put in an airline / bubble wall? (tank is planted). Thanks.
  5. a school of 2-3 cm sprats would be pretty awesome Find a local wharf and get a baitcatcher. Instant fish
  6. Chocolate new computer or new tank
  7. have you ever recieved any messages? Top right, beside the "Log out [ animal_lover ]" there should be something saying "You have 123123 new messages" Click that, and have a look. OR, if it says you have none, then you have a problem
  8. tbh, i'm not really a guppy/neon/molly/othergenericfish person. Barring fighters, because they look kickass, but i'm sure that quite a few people here are.
  9. When they get too big, eat them Tasty Spotties / sprats should be good, i'd advise against rockcod because they will probably competete for hidey holes with the puffers.
  10. Hayley, would you like 3 free Danios? All are long finned, and two are really vivid colored. The fish I have in my tank now may eat them, and i'd rather they didnt
  11. Someone showed me a Pantadon Butterfly. If it can't fit in its mouth, will it still eat it? I'm now thinking: 3x Silver Shark 3x Clown Loach 2x Port Hoplo Catfish 2x Blackline Flying Fox / SAE 1x Pantadon Butterfly
  12. fighters are so sweet Like little puppies, they want to play with the handthatprovidesfood.
  13. Silver/Bala sharks. My three have destroyed all the black alge and are now starting on some bright green stuff. They seem to prefer it to the flake that i'm feeding them.
  14. tiny tank to house baby fishies would be cool Or a few neons.
  15. hehe, yeah gas 1/10th Can't afford to race it, I keep breaking it
  16. RC car racing + computers + Fish = nomoney
  17. my 3 silver sharks have demolished 80% of the alge on one of my crypts. Couldnt wok out why they wouldnt eat flake food, especially when one had come from a healthy tank, and was a bit of a pig. Closer inspection reveals alge free tank
  18. I actually have NFI, but the first meeting is freeeee!
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