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Everything posted by markoshark

  1. 1x Male Fighter 2x Female Fighters 1x Black Ghost Knife 3x Silver Shark 3x Clown Loach 2x Port Hoplo Catfish 2x Blackline Flying Fox / SAE 6x Dainos 5x Marble Hatchetfish Should be a nice mix of top, bottom, middle and everywhere.
  2. And i worded that *really* badly. re-edited first post
  3. First Tuesday of the month, 7:30 sunnynook community hall meetings. Unless i mis-read the time and date? - Two people looking at joining. Hi, two people looking for either.. a.) full licenced driver that is prepared to be driven in my car or b.) someone prepared to pick up 2 people from beach haven I would drive, but living in beach haven is instant police stopyourcar and demand license etc , and not willing to risk fines. (yes, I know its a whee way off, but.. i'm highly disorganised, and i'm likely to loose the plot, and prebook myself later...)
  4. incidently, i also have 3 bala/silver sharks that seem to be making a dent in it too, lol and anyone know where to get proper SAEs?
  5. *mutter* Does anyone know where I can get "proper" SAEs from.
  6. ah, ok same species = ok, different species = bad.
  7. i'm not sure that you are "meant" to keep 2x ghost knifes as they are eletrical fish, and they can screw each other up. (Sudden thought... Why do LFS occasionally have two in the same tank...) *and some tiger barbs
  8. Are you using aquatic mix>? If you are and have plecos, when i was getting some plants, i saw a plec burrowing into the root system of a plant, and making clouds
  9. I chucked a lump of gum in, and it reacted. It *was* really, really clear piece of swamp gum that i found in the coromandel ranges, and now its turned into a piece of swamp gum thats had a sandblaster pointed at it for 1/2 an hour. not advisable
  10. And it wasn't yesterday as they had an AGM!
  11. looks like bitemarks. I have something similar on the tail of one of my female (black widow) tetras, and i'm 100% sure its from fighting (the other black widow tetra).
  12. Using NSW a possibility, or will it import a lot of rubbish?
  13. How much do you sell tours for
  14. hey, is this tank in a house, and if it is, how much structual work did you have to do to prep it 0.0?
  15. .. Crap. They eat piranha? Nice!
  16. hum, bring an aro and a trio of oscars up with a few hundred tetras. With the larger fish, is there any way of preventing them from attacking / eating smaller fish as they grow bigger, (ie, constant small tankmates, etc), or will they turn around and eat everything due to biological stuff?
  17. how about a couple of thousand tetras feeding time would be "interesting"
  18. any recomended brands for high protein flake? Also, what to feed the loaches, or will they take flake as well?
  19. Based on this list, what am I going to need to feed these things with? 1x Male Fighter 2x Female Fighters 1x Black Ghost Knife 3x Silver Shark 3x Clown Loach 2x Port Hoplo Catfish 2x Blackline Flying Fox / SAE (I think i'll drop the Dainos as my tank looks pretty busy with the silver sharks - less is more ) I know that my ratio of top / bottom feeders is screwed up.. but.. bleh. (Anyone recomend any fish that are top dwellers, won't get eaten by the BGK, and won't nip the fighters fins?) Food i currently have: Wardley - Shrimp Pellets Forumula JBL - NovoTab JBL Novo GranoVert Tetra - ColorBits Tropical Granules JBL - Novo GranoColor Nutrafin MAX - Spirulina Algae Flake Food Gourmet Fish Food - Groumet brine Shrimp Flake Any of that usefull? (and i know to get bloodworks for the BGK)
  20. i've got an air powered protein skimmer, that you could try and use Heck, its no good to me currently
  21. few too many IMG codes Rather than using the hotlinks at the top, it becomes easier to do it manually once you get a few fishes, it'll get easier to see how your tank is cycling. Incidently, Jansens sell their wood pre-bogged, and out of their display tanks. Makes it easier for you
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