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Everything posted by cichlid7

  1. look on tm i got 26 sheets 1.2 x 2.4m x 20mm for $150
  2. i am currently breeding Discus Angels Penguin tetras platties guppies kribensis red jewels bristlenoses.
  3. it was 50cm and it died of dropsy
  4. Use 3x2 and the 2 at each end you dont need so that is 4 less bits of wood. I dont think 4x1 will be strong enough
  5. Bristlenoses and corys are excellent for what you want
  6. i probably want that :lol: EDIT: i just got a new one instead here in chch as i needed one straight away
  7. i would go go with a Aqua One cf1200.
  8. evilknieval69 where is the photo
  9. LOL the noise doesn't matter to me it will be in my fishroom out side
  10. i was thinking of getting the first one you linked too. so it would be nice to know I was also looking at this one http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 283607.htm What do you think about it
  11. yea me too and i did it with a 4 outlet pump :lol: lots of bubbles
  12. i was thinking about using 2 canister filters but then thought about using a sump. Which would be better? If i use a sump would this pump do for getting the water back in to the tank or is it too powerful http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 519919.htm Also how do i get the water to get from the tank to the sump at the same rate as it is pumping it back to the tank. This tank is going to be a semi planted discus tank.
  13. on the floor (concrete) im using polythene then polystyrene then mdf them vinyl so it should keep the heat in :-? i think I will try and post some pics tomorrow ive now got my 550L tank and my 600L tank in there But just trying to work out how to use the sump :oops: :-? :-? i have know idea. it would be good to see some pics of other peoples fishrooms
  14. cichlid7

    New Pleco

    just use a couple of stones from your tank
  15. Yep sounds like it to me too
  16. Not hard you just have to know the right people :lol: :lol: i got 2 proven pairs for $150 each 8)
  17. 3 is not a good number for discus im not sure if all those fish will go with discus but if the can i would go with to as there sound to be alot of fish in there already
  18. **UPDATE** I have now lined all the walls and roof with pink batts then polystyrene and then black polythene sheeting (Man the polythene is soo hard to put up :evil: ) The stand on the right side is now made and part of the discus tanks stand is made the floor is also done :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  19. try searching "Cichlid" on google
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