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Everything posted by cichlid7

  1. cichlid7


    Have a look at this http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/1-vt24 ... sc&start=0 Thanks
  2. hi thanks. there are 3 at around 15cm and about 20 are around 5 - 8cm. will that be a problem
  3. they are now in a 500L tank. i think it might be carp pox but not to bad. you say salt how much? What type of salt? No No No No April this year
  4. we put them all in to a huge tank today. there were about 4 or 5 dead ones in there. Dont think they are breeding looks like that fish in the photo but not as bad. will malafix for ponds help or what else do i need to do thanks
  5. here are some photos sorry bad quallity
  6. my camera is not the best but i will try to get a better photo soon. i have got a few but they are not too good
  7. we noticed it when we were about to do a water change. so i have setup a tank out side with 20% pond water and 80% new water and i was going to put all the fish in the tank today just in case something got in the pond
  8. they have got lumps around the eyes too. i thought it might have been a fungis (sp?) becuase a few of them dont look very well
  9. the last fish is the hardest to catch because you have to catch all the other fish before it becomes the last fish. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. about 100 1cm bristle nose catfish in a 550 L tank, NOT FUN
  11. No they have all been in there for about 1 and 1/2 years
  12. when you say white spots do you mean patches. because they stick out about 3-4 mm
  13. I have a pond about 800L and about 40 gold fish in it 2 days ago i saw 1 dead fish floating It had white bubble/lump types of things on its side and near its eye. Today when my dad was going to clean the filter once he lifted it out of the pond he found a dead fish stuck to it. it also had the white lumps on it. i had a look in the pond and counted atleast 8 fish with the lumps on them aswell. i will try to get some photos tomorrow. Please help me i dont know what to do.
  14. Take a look at this this is what i copied and pasted from the killi part :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
  15. hi i dont have killies (yet :roll: :lol: :lol: ) but Would the eggs hatch if you just left them in the tank and how long does it take for them to hatch thanks
  16. i haven't got a 300l tank but i have got a spear 550l tank it has alot of scratches on it but it is a fish tank 5ft x 2ft x 2ft. probabaly to big. i wont be useing it until my new fish room is done. that will take atleast a month or 2. it is an acrylic tank so it is light and has a home made stand. not the flashest but it works.
  17. i might be able to lend you a tank what size tank would you need?
  18. This is my breeding pair. The female The male Sorry about the bad photo's need to get a good camera lol
  19. put them on anyway :bounce:
  20. Just got a couple of photo's of my breeding pair of discus The Male The Female they were the best to i got
  21. as then subject line say's what is the best way to get paint off the acrylic with out damageing it. cheers
  22. What about 6 guppies 6 neons or cardinals (cardinals would be better) and 2 croys. that would give you the 3 levels top - guppies middle - neons or cardinals bottom - corys. they would be good in that tank but it is up to you really
  23. they would grow bigger than the tank :lol: :lol:
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