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Everything posted by cichlid7

  1. that can't be good :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. i put them back in the pond and they all seem fine thanks no more died. i was thinking that maybe the ones that died maybe froze over the winter or something like that.
  3. sorry about all the questions but i don't know much about Diseases
  4. it was in the breeding tank with the female she is about 2cm bigger than him and they were getting on fine. So there is no way it will survive, even with the Trichozole treatment
  5. its swimming around more than my other discus are and he has got his colour back
  6. is there no chance of it getting better
  7. so will water lower than 20cm be alright for him I had a look at him this morning and he has fattened up quite a bit and is swimming around the tank quite lively
  8. ive just checked my spare tanks and don't have any suitable for 40L Ive got a 30L or i could lower the water in the tank he is in down to 20cm which will give 60L or should i try and get a 2 foot tank tomorrow
  9. thank you very much i will go tomorrow and try and get some will they ask any questions about why i want it :-?
  10. i think im going to need 1000mg per dose so will they let me have 10,000mg of it and do you know an approx price, do i just go in and say i need some of it or what??
  11. over the last 2 or 3 days my male discus has gone really dark and is just sitting in the back corner of my breeding tank the female in the same tank is fine. it looks like his tail is damaged and he has a mark on his side near the back he has also got very skinny i just caught him and put him in a tank of his own he didn't even try and swim away i got a few photos of him but my camera is not the best so the photos aren't that good. Please help me i don't know whats wrong this photo shows the mark just across and down from his tail
  12. I think i can post this link http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 468356.htm Would 2 of these be ok for a 500L tank Has anyone used them before if so what do you think of them or would the be a better filter i could use for around the same cost?? i am in no rush to get the filter but just trying go get thing sorted out. Thanks
  13. what size would that be my pair are both fully coloured but less than 4cm
  14. tower junction one when you go thru the entry past checkouts head left go down to the last row go right and its about 2 metres down the row :roll:
  15. im doing job search through the school
  16. cool while they are small they should be fine but when bigger i would say no. keep trying to sell the male.
  17. i have a 11cm BGK living with baby tetras they swim around together fine he doesn't even try to eat them they lived with him since they were about 2 or 3 days old :bounce:
  18. Can Discus, Bettas, a BGK, Rams and clown loaches live in a tank together?? it will be a 550L semi-planted tank if that is ok what others can live in there too? thanks.
  19. bunnings for the aquatic mix $9 a bag Crusaders on parkhouse rd (by the dump) for bedding sand $ for 35kg bag the only other place for the aquatic mix is the water garden $19 a bag
  20. there is one on trade me in chch
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