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Everything posted by Dixon1990

  1. How can you get a hybrid from breeding a jack dempsey with a Electric blue jack dempsey? :-?
  2. These are a true freshwater puffer afaik
  3. They also get a fair bit larger and cant be kept with smaller fish 8)
  4. Maybe they're just going for a run to Tveitevatnet? :lol:
  5. Amaazzzzzzzinggg! :lol:
  6. any reason for posting it three times?
  7. Ohhh, i thought it said you wanted narrow rather than rounder :lol:
  8. Cardinals and Rummynose are quite often both kept in discus tanks and both seem to do very well
  9. This is truely the most strange post i have ever seen on a fish forum 10 points! :lol:
  10. in my experience cardinals are much hardier than neons, and do far better in 30 degrees than neons do. i think glowlights like slightly cooler water like the neons aswell
  11. Are you sure about that? I thought 'red headed severums' aka Heros sp. rotkeil were a strain found in the wild..
  12. 200L including 3 canisters then :lol: you should measure it Properly and work out how amny L is actually in the tank :lol:
  13. That tank would have to be 200L MAX including both the big canister filters :lol:
  14. If thats how you think, you're pretty much asking for people to tell you your fish aren't cold water :roll:
  15. Why not get more chalceus instead of silver sharks? im sure it'd be much happier
  16. Maybe they arent both males and its spawning behaviour? :-? :lol:
  17. Was it LA that had an albino one too?
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