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Everything posted by Dixon1990

  1. Actualllllly, many breeders keep bettas in these untill they are sold
  2. hmm what size tank are all these dats and bichirs in?
  3. Uhhh...They look nothing like any daphnia ive ever seen
  4. daphnia are small(max of 2mm) and orange(ish) they swim a bit funny
  5. Movies are always bad compared to whatever they are based on lol. Doesnt mean they are bad movies
  6. Should probably take a male out, They may fight each other, and they wouldn't breed in a trio anyway
  7. Niice photos! What fish/critters have you seen in there?
  8. I think that the 'poli' they were talking about was the species not seen often 'Polypterus palmas polli' ?
  9. N1CK will never be able to keep a oto alive with his whole anti algae thing hes got going on :lol:
  10. Dixon1990

    Whiptail ID

    Ahhk that makes more sense, yeah i saw that it was 9.5 cm so i couldn't work out where the 240mm was coming from. But yes, the same species can come out of one river at9.5cm and another at 10cm, realy not a huge difference lol
  11. Dixon1990

    Whiptail ID

    So wheres the photos of your '240mm whiptails'? I think you may have a dodgey ruler..
  12. I found the sponge easy to replace, just cut another sponge to fit. And i never used the charcoal stuff anyway, i took that cartridge out and filled the back half of the filtre with ceramic noodles.
  13. Dixon1990

    Whiptail ID

    If you read a few more pages you will find Rineloricaria lanceolata are actually found in Peru aswell, they are quite a widespread species and the look of them does vary from place to place.
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