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Everything posted by Dixon1990

  1. Why aren't you keeping the Astatotilapia Brownae?
  2. Dixon1990

    3 foot tank

    I havent actually been following this thread :lol: Just saw the pictures and blahhhhhhhhhhhh
  3. Dixon1990

    3 foot tank

    That is one algae you do not want to keep in your tank!
  4. Mostly african by the looks of it. Only non african i can see is the severum and the GBA or GAE.
  5. 5mm would be fine as far as i know, aslong as it is no taller than 45cm
  6. All loricariidae are natives to South America afaik.
  7. I would have thought plecos would have their own class
  8. Some panda corys would look good, also for the top pencilfish or hatchets would be good choices
  9. whaaat? lol yeah they'd look great inthere haha.
  10. p44 just doesnt like them :-? but they look great in a well planted tank with good lights!
  11. I have one around 17-20 cm that you can have if my brother doesn't want it back :lol:
  12. EMBER TETRAS! hahaha *waits for p44 to start complaining *
  13. Sheryl got shot is my guess, i heard she wasn't returning for the 6th season
  14. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=39535
  15. Dixon1990


    Isnt 10gallons 40Litre? :lol:
  16. Wha? Yes it did, and wasnt being used for long before i had it :lol:
  17. Ive had to replace 3 parts in my 405 :lol:
  18. Ahh i see, yes if its peat the water could quite possibly be too low for africans
  19. Coloured water isnt always bad Could have peat in the water or green water algae,
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