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Everything posted by Dixon1990

  1. Grey Cat named Blinky after blinky bill the Cartoon Koala And 2 Boxer X's Bruno and Eevee
  2. Dixon1990

    Whiptail ID

    UGHH Ijustwokeup :lol: I was only seeing the name above the photo :-? :oops: :lol: So yes, I've tried to tell the seller/breeder that they're probably that, and some xperts on PC said it was R. Lanceolata.
  3. Dixon1990

    Whiptail ID

    Have a look here, http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=2284 They look quite different. I still reckon they're R. Lanceolata, http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=739/http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=745
  4. Them oscars of his are crazy, they probably jumped into the lid to make it slip
  5. I think three of them native ostriches would do the job
  6. You dont hatch decap :-? Im guessing you justworded it wrong?
  7. Last time I talked to a breeder of them he thought they might be LG-6
  8. Dixon1990

    ID Please.

    Forktail Rainbowfish - Pseudomugil Furcatus?
  9. Definately looks nothing like a dwarf flag to me I would say definately a african. :-?
  10. I read this with the word 'Kangaroo' instead of 'Cockatoo'. I was getting very confused. :-? :lol:
  11. I agree with Joliet about the Tower Junction store, they're great, and have done me a few good deals 8)
  12. Ira never quotes the wrong person 8) :lol:
  13. k, I'm definitely getting them :lol: They're amazing.
  14. I've kinda got a pair on hold for when they get here. :lol:
  15. I'd offer them a good home, but for some reason i can never keep mollies alive:(
  16. AFAIK, they aren't livebearers, they are just mouth brooders?
  17. Are the discus the only fish they're attacking?
  18. Also look at all the comments saying that its most likely realy stressed out and black probably isnt its proper colour
  19. Translation: Portuguese » English Por favor, posso apertar o seu peito? Eles são muito simpáticos e alegres. Gostaria de lancha deles. Please, can squeeze your chest? They are very friendly and cheerful. I would like to launch them. :lol:
  20. What would we make fishtank brackground from then!? :lol:
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