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Everything posted by michael.qian

  1. I had two cases. One of them being the smallest loach out of three, was really skinny and eventually died. The other one was the leader of the three, but the other loach outgrew it really fast and started to bullying the other one, so the leader became really skinny. At this point I introduced another 3 small clown loaches, was an instant improvement, the skinny one quickly put on weight and is not almost as big as the biggest one. Out of the three new ones the smallest one, much much smaller than the rest, only about 2cm long, unfortunately died, it could never get enough food and often had broken fins and tail.
  2. not sure, I did see seahorses at Hollywoods not long ago.
  3. after a slight more than usual water change after the gourami died, I ran out of options but saw some nice small angels in Jansans Botany, even though I do have siamese fighter I decided to take a little risk and bought 4, I do have a contingency plan if they start fighting or fin nipping though. Introduced the angels yesterday morning, the siamese fighter was excited for a few seconds, but then funnily enough it started kind of schooling with them, even this morning they were very close together and all fins are perfectly intact and no signs of fighting at all.
  4. it was eating really well right up to the point it died, no symptoms of sickness until this morning. There is a red siamese fighter in my tank but I don't think that's why it died, I've never seen them fight, even when they come very close to each other.
  5. Bought a neon blue one on saturday, great looking fish. It was doing really well up until this morning when I noticed a small red dot on its head, came back now from work and it was very dead and very hard. I knew it was imported but thought I'll just buy one and give it a go, sadly it didn't work out. Anyone else had a similar case? Cheers
  6. the cardinal will most likely to be fine if no more attacks, one of my neon tetras lost an eye and lived happily.
  7. sounds a bit heavily stocked, but if all your water parameters are fine then you won't have a problem.
  8. I think tanks are pretty cheap these days might be easier just to buy a new 3ft tank?
  9. Picked up a neon blue one at Jansans (Hollywood didn't have any). They were imported, so disappointed there, but I thought I'll just get one and see how it goes. However I never examine the fish carefully enough, this time I found one of the "needles", at the bottom front (you should know what I mean) broken off, would it grow back? Update... This morning found the siamese fighter had a few holes in its tail, but I never seen them fight and the siamese fighter does have the occasional holes in its tail all the time, will keep a close watch.
  10. $75 for a stick insect? Sounds expensive.
  11. that's true, fish do go pale at night, but also if you have several, they can have little arguments with each other sometimes and the loser will often change into a lighter colour, only temporarily though.
  12. female will be more peaceful, mine is a male, but it is peaceful with every fish in my tank. I might try just one or two to start with, see how they go.
  13. Saw some great looking dwarf gouramis both in Jansans and Hollywoods today, looking for a few fish to replace my swordtails and they seem to be a very good choice. Except problem is I've got a red male siamese fighter I don't want to give up. I've heard of some people having problems and other not having problems. Anyone kept them together? What's your oppinion? I'll be looking at getting 3-4. Cheers
  14. what you will have problem with is catching them, once it took me 2 hours.
  15. Sometime that's hard to get, especially if the tank is not heavily planted, nitrate level under 40ppm is perfectly safe for most fish, some fish, i.e. discus, requires much lower nitrate levels though.
  16. google setting up a new tank or tank cycling etc... It will tell you lots. How much experience have you or your mother had with fish? If not much then start off with the more hardy species of fish. Also definitely get all the equipments you will need including test kits, they are very important, don't just assume everything is ok. Very important to add fish slowly to the tank, so the bacteria in the filter will have enough time to grow without an overload which will cause an ammonia spike.
  17. decided on some silver hatchets, but were shocked they were $22 each, so a group of them would cost me over $100. Then decided between rosy and columbian tetras, picked up 6 columbians for $37, nice looking fish, very much like a neon rainbow.
  18. went to buy some neon rainbows today but were surprised they were $22 for a pair. I took a careful look at them and they didn't look like they are worth that much, so I held off on buying them. Now back to looking at other fishes...
  19. I was thinking of getting 5-6 small angels. but now I'll probably get a few neon rainbows instead.
  20. Hi all Sold my 5x swordtails and 2x siamese algae eaters. would like to get a few angelfish instead, small ones, but will they be ok with my male siamese fighter? cheers
  21. plant growth mostly depends on light, of course extra nutrients will help. I'm sure undergravel nutrient sources will help the plant to grow faster, but if you have good lighting, it may not be needed.
  22. Went to Hollywood and Jansans. Unfortunately there wasn't that many I liked, but I did buy two blue rams, unable to sex them yet, hopefully I can keep them alive and well. Other options are neon rainbows, black phantom tetras and a few others I can't remember just now.
  23. great fish and awesome pics
  24. looks good, definitely one of my choices.
  25. might be looking at certain tetra species, glowlight maybe. I might pop into Jansans and Hollywoods tomorrow and take a notepad with me, take down the the names of fish I like, look them up on google, then decide. Last time I went into Hollywood I discovered I didn't know a lot of the fish there.
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