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Everything posted by michael.qian

  1. true 3mm glass won't do the job. also it will scratch and crack very easily. I would say at least 5mm.
  2. Got a 150W Jager two days ago after my Jebo broke. So far it's a brilliant heater, keeps the tank exactly where I want it to be, no fluctuations overnight at all. Might see some fluctuations in winter though.
  3. will disperse the heat better. no worries if it drops a degree overnight, most heater will do that.
  4. what's your filtration. As long as nitrate levels remain at a acceptable level, you don't have too many fish. lots of plants can reduce nitrate levels.
  5. might even be live food for the fish, cut back on feeding they should disappear.
  6. would not put clown loaches in, they are not plant friendly at all.
  7. should be able to fit a few in there. I would go for maybe 2 males and 4 females, so you'll have lots of babies.
  8. Rang Hollywood and they sell them for $60. So only saving about $10 if i buy from Trademe. Will go down this after and get one. What about a Fluval Tronic heater though? Are they any good?
  9. Heat is back to normal again. Temperature is normal as well. Now I won't hurry to Hollywood and get a new one, I'll get a Jager one off Trademe.
  10. have a electric blanket around the tank at the moment. it doesn't cover all the way around the tank, the front bit is exposed. I have it on medium setting at the moment. Heater seems to be doing better, seems normal now, but still definitely getting a new one tomorrow.
  11. it won't get that hot, should be ok. Worried it might start a fire or something, but that won't happen right?
  12. What if I wrap an electric blanket on the outside of the tank? that should do the trick right?
  13. Just discovered my Jebo 150W seems to be failing, it turns on for one seconds and then turns off. The tank is already down to 25 degrees when I noticed, the heater still doesn't seem to be working. I don't have a spare one, would the fish be ok until tomorrow morning? I can imagine the temperature dropping down to about 18 overnight, or even lower. Will get a new one straight away tomorrow morning. Cheers
  14. have you tested your water at all? more details on your tank would be helpful.
  15. I would stay away from chemicals as well, natural methods should do the trick, lights out, large water changes etc... don't know if any fish will eat blue-green algae though.
  16. tail looking a bit worse than yesterday, I'm pretty sure it has fin/tail rot. Water conditions are good though, should medicate? Or perhaps another water change?
  17. there should be a gap because they need to breath air once in a while. and yes there is a gap, not a huge gap though, about 1-2cm.
  18. nope nothing new in the tank. not sure about how old, bought it from Hollywood fish farm 3 month ago, it is fully grown I think though. Edited... Just gave it a good feed of bloodworms, hopefully it'll get better, now its looking perfectly healthy apart from the damaged tail.
  19. My red male betta has been looking a bit unwell for the past few days. It hangs around the top of the tank most of the time, swimming much less than it used to. Tail and fins are looking damaged, some splits and cuts, before it had the occasionaly split or cut but it always grows back quickly, not it's looking more damaged than any of the previous occasions. Tested the water and everything is ok. Think it might be a lack of oxygen, since I took out my internal filter on wednesday and so no more air bubbles in the tank, just the external filter, but still plenty of plants to provide oxygen. Any ideas? Cheers
  20. kind of a wild guess, but I think it looks like a borneo tiger.
  21. they'll probably never notice in the first place.
  22. pH 4.5? I guess it'll be a clown loach only tank than, don't know a lot of fish that can tolerate pH that low.
  23. looks like a lot of fish, but water parameters are always good. Taking out the Internal filter tomorrow, the Fluval 405 is to replace it, had them running together for a few weeks.
  24. Two days ago noticed my clown loaches and cories eating a dead neon tetra, I thought it was going die anyway before it wasn't looking good for quite a while. Now I've just noticed a dead cory, almost hollowed out, one of my small clown loach is eating it. What could be causing them to die? Or are they likely to be natural deaths? Havn't tested my water in a few days, I do that once a week, water condition always great, especially with plenty of filtration. Cheers
  25. not exactly, borneo suckers will happily live in the cooler end of tropical temperature, about 20 degrees, but any lower might stress them.
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