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Everything posted by GZ_Loach

  1. Its in the a secret compartment hidden where something should be parked 8)
  2. Sorry i meant to say cardinal, not neon.. lol always say neon for some reason. :digH: Would have been a good excuse to check out my tank to :roll:
  3. World of water had a bout six large ones, might be sold now tho. I generally avoid those kinds of fish, they look very ugly.
  4. Did you consider making the background rougher? i.e using a fork/heat gun on the poly? Looks good, how did you paint it?
  5. Theres a free neon if you want it :thup:
  6. I don't see why it would, iron is present in almost all natural water supplys and is added to planted aquariums. My water supply is 3 parts per million iron and the is ph 6.3 at the source, not quite as high at my tap because of the filters but still very high and have had fish for about 4-5 years now and no suspicous deaths. I don't have iron sand, just black silica and black satin sand, My water supply is whats high in iron.
  7. with my 1080L tank doing water changes was out of the question for me, and i have very fine sand (very fine particles in the water) and added "sera" pond clearer, i saw a difference in two days and it was cleared within four days. The stuff you added doesn't clear the water it just makes the particles bigger so they can get caught in the filter.
  8. If it was one whole sheet of glass it would more than likely crack in the middle where the most pressure would be, having two sheets of glass decreases the amount of flex on one point. Remember its not an ordinary glass tank, the top, bottom and sides are held IN with the concrete? edge on the outside. My guess is that the silicone is not structural at all but merely a sealant. Pick up a long sheet of ply and watch it sag in the middle, cut it in half and pick up one side and you won't see it sag anymore.
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