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Everything posted by GZ_Loach

  1. I'll get some Java Fern and maybe twisted val if it'l grow in high ph? For hardscape I'll stick to rocks, if i can find some bits of wood that blend in then I'll use them. Time to work on the ph buffer i think :cofn:
  2. I dissolved the poly after the resin set on my background, too heavy to lift up :smln:
  3. sky dive moro or snickers
  4. Water is now fish friendly, all the fish out of my holding tank have now gone in. Lighting is finished, nice metal halide during the day with a t8 timed to come on in the evening Have now decided to go for a Malawi setup, plants don't work well with the background (hides too much of it)
  5. Fabric mesh would be fine (like whats used on fish nets). When i had baby BN's some managed to climb out of the tank :facepalm:
  6. I wasn't planning on going over but i can take it, might not make it to its intended destination tho :sml2:
  7. I gave mine 3 days
  8. Hot glue some mesh in there so they can't go in
  9. People have made them using buckets with a pump on the outside, layer the inside with sponge/bio balls etc, attach the pump to either the inlet/outlet hose (depends if it pushes or sucks water) then feed one end down the bottom under the media and the other at the top and presto you have a basic home made cannister filter. Ofcourse you could buy one for nearly the same price
  10. Thats awesome, you should count yourself lucky that you got such an interesting bristlenose
  11. Everything above and also: 1. A filter that isn't made from cheap plastic, i hate it when things break/snap easily. 2. Good quality pump (strong but quiet) 3. Easy cleaning
  12. clean shaven Snore or hiccups
  13. So you can just turn the light onto the tank when your finished studying? lol :lol:
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