most loaches love to eat their eggs i.e clown loach. so move to another tank and make sure their is a contant current on them (add anti fungal stuff as well)
all fly sprays have chemicals in them but those automatic "natural" fly thingys might work (wall hanging sprayers). and btw you could always cover your fish tank while spraying
maybe constipated lol :roll: , i dont know what to do about the bloating but if hes not eating try some live/frozen food or foods high in protein/fibre
doesnt look that bad, just put her into a small tank and get some healing stuf and monitor her progress. if she cant control her swimming i.e tilting to one side or swimming on back then something is wrong and should be put out of her misery
should make the water go through filter wool last to catch fine particals so all the muck doesnt get blocked on the wool, then have the noodles etc 1st to catch the coarse stuff that way you wont lose any suction/power
put the fish on a wooden surface and hit the head with a mullet or something similar or use a knife and stab into head behind the eye and twist (if the fish still moves then just whack it)
post a pic so we can determine whats poking out
go down to a stream with some old steaks or other meat (raw) and fishing rod chuck the hook n bait in and wait for the eels to bite. (not all streams have eels btw) dont worry about the injurys cuased by the hook as they should heal up otherwise use a eel trap that most fishing shops supply
the bigger the tank the easy it will be to keep fish alive becuase the water chemistry etc is more stable however you have to change alot more water each week than a little tank. you can usually get a second hand tank pretty cheap. and for the record when 1st starting out dont buy the fish you like, buy a couple of plain ordinary fish and then after a month or so get some really cool fish so that if you make a mistake (it happens to us all when we start out) it wont really matter as much.
might be best to put her out of misery or otherwise put her in a small tank by herself and go the the local petshop and buy products that help heal cuts etc. (armour coat etc)
angels get agressive when spawning, they may make thumping noises (like mine), shake their bodies, bite, chase and appear to ram each other. its usually a good idea to separate the pairs that form.