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Everything posted by GZ_Loach

  1. theres a controller on tm for $150
  2. I don't see why people feel the need to blast the tank with co2 :facepalm: Just start off adding a little bit and increase it every few days/week untill its all sweet. I would also look at getting a controller to switch it off once it gets to a certain ph, also have to watch out your not depleting the tank of oxygen.
  3. horror Hayfever or cold?
  4. I think my tanks to small for my fish and they are only 10m long :slfg:
  5. I personally hate the smell of them and never touch them, i pop them out of the packet into a container and tip them out of that into the tank
  6. Certain fish require certain types of food, i.e vegetarian fish need food low in protein otherwise they bloat and vice versa for carnivores.
  7. The reason they say bloodworms carry disease is because they usually live in sewers etc, however anything found in clean waterways is fine to feed to fish
  8. there is a "jungle juice" that you can get from peaches & cream (R18) lol. I just added some twisted val, java moss and sag to my tank !drool:
  9. They live in the bio media itself
  10. The "gunge" is what stops the filter filtering the water and stops removing particles, bacteria work just as well in a properly cleaned filter. I clean mine about once every 1-2 months to prevent build up in the sponges and wool, the way i clean my bio media is i leave it in it tray and put it in the sink, tip half a bucket of warm tank water over it to backwash all the gunk and then put it back into the filter. I've never had any issues with my tank re cycling during my 4-5 years of fish keeping. If you wanted to get technical, the more gunk you have the less surface area you have in your filter, restricting optimal conditons for them and reducing space for more bacteria to live
  11. the moss balls are made by using a round object and growing the moss around it, you could do this with java or xmas moss quite easily
  12. There is a product you can get from petshops that helps cycle your tank and make it safe for fish if used over a period of a week or two
  13. cleaning the whole filter is fine, if you use tank water.
  14. Doesn't have to be planted, throw in some rocks or something
  15. For some reason zoo's don't have animals in a bare cage :yaw2:
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