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Everything posted by jolliolli

  1. no, tank has some fish currently, has had more fish in the past but due to an unfortunate glue/resin poisoning incident i lost most of them. don't worry i know the associated problems of CBBs
  2. looks fabulous, i'm very jealous in my almost fishless tank.. have ordered a copperband through john, hopefully one turns up soon, i need fish!!
  3. i would have thought internal parasites are a more likely cause than gill flukes if their breathing is normal and they are not flashing
  4. common signs of internal parasites, spitting food, dark colouration, hanging at the back, swimming with one pectoral fin, or clamped fins, stringy poos
  5. jolliolli


    prazi pro is a gill fluke medication in liquid form it isn't available as far in any stores as far as i know in NZ, however from memory i believe you can buy droncit from your vet in pill form. Im not sure if this is harmful to your filter as i've only ever used prazipro
  6. jolliolli


    the flashing usually indicates a gill irritation, often gill flukes. have you tested your water for ammonia and nitrite? You can treat gill flukes with prazipro which is gentle and doesn't harm your filter
  7. ohhh i want one, used to have a boxer, best dog ever!
  8. Yeah i had a look at organism but they were a little small (plus i'm fussy). My male originally came from organism and hes coloured up nicely
  9. I know my chances are slim... but im looking for a nice condition female blue ram, would like to try raising some fry again and my male looks like he'd be keen for a partner.
  10. cyano is the ugliest i reckon
  11. good to hear , keep us posted
  12. Here you go, it shows the progression from small white dots, to a large lump at the base of the fish, to the hole. Metro is short for metronidazole and is a treatment for internal parasites it can be used by mixing with food or by disolving in to the tank water . Have you noticed any other symptoms, going off food/spitting food, dark colour, isolating itself from the other fish? The good thing was he has fully recovered and the wound healed over completely, has a little scar but otherwise is completely fine
  13. I had something similar although i never saw a worm appear, but had a discus form a whitish lump near just abovee the ventral fin, the fish became very dark and the wound became became larger and larger eventually turning in to an open wound. Finally the hole went all the way through to the other side of the fish. I isolated and treated with metro with daily water changed for around 2 months and the wound healed over if you want i can send you a link to the pics of mine.
  14. if no other symptoms then i would just keep an eye on it and keep up the water changes, discus do tend to have moods,mine often change colour depending on dominance/mood
  15. aww that sux ryanjury. i dreamed last night that my sole male blue ram was swimming around with a batch of blue ram fry , its scary when fish start to invade your dreams!
  16. in the past i have used 400mg/40L every 8 hours with a waterchange every day, i have used this course for 5 days and made 50% waterchanges in between. Metro loses its effectiveness after 8 hours hence the redosing. This does use a lot of metro hence why you should isolate the affected individual as it becomes expensive to treat a large tank. The last time i used i actually dosed the metro in the food, this uses much less metro and means you can keep the fish in your main display tank while dosing. This of course assumes your fish are still eating, dosing within the food is thought to be more effective than dosing as a bath. I boiled up some tetrabits and made them in to a mush with the metro added along with gelatine. Gelatine was then cut in to bite size segments, mine weren't too keen on the taste but i figure they must have ingested some as they got better after a 3 day course of this. If you want the in food dosage rate i can check and find it out for you
  17. thanks guys, that atman UF2400 looks really interesting with the UV being built in. What type of outlet does it comoe with, spray bar? What size tank are you running it on Luke, i'll be running it on my discus tank as well
  18. hi, just wanting some advice on what filter i should look at upgrading to. Currently i have an aqua one 1200 running on my juwel rio 300 litre tank. Also have the additional internal juwel filter which is 1000 lph. I don't htink the juwel does a very good job and im thinking of upgrading the aqua one canister filter. Has anyone used the aqua one 2200 or aqua one 2400 filters, if so what are they like? The only other large cannister filter i can think of is the fluval fx5 but i think this would be serious overkill and wouldn't fit in the space in my cabinet. So any thoughts on whats a good large filter? Aqua one;s seem pretty good value for the price.
  19. have you actually seen them nip? split fins can be a sign of disease sometimes
  20. haven't ever seen my rams nipping
  21. i've had good success with tronic heaters, they seem to be reliable
  22. usual dose rates are 250mg per 10 gallons (40L) in water when dosing in the tank (as opposed to administering in the food). Therefore for your 200 litre tank approximately 5 250mg tabs. Administer each day or every 8 hours for 3- 5 days or until no slimy faeces are observed. as conch has said, do water changes between treatments If administering in food (which can be more effective as you are getting the drug directly in to the gut) the recommended dose rate is 1 gram per 100gms of food. The other benefit is that your medication will go a lot further at this dose rate. Medicate every day or every 8 hours as effectiveness will lessen over time. Doh just read your post that he's not eating Keep your filter on during this time, it won't adversely harm your bacteria, there is some reports that light can reduce the effectiveness but i've never bothered to turn off the lights
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