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Everything posted by firefish

  1. Baby number 2 hatched out tonight!! Baby #1 looks massive in comparasion
  2. I'm trying to only look once a day (very hard to manage when i'm home studying). But at 4pm there was still 2 eggs and one baby. I don't know how much of a delay there was between the laying of egg numbers 1 and 2.
  3. that sounds hopeful. their cage is 84 L x 40 W x 89 H (cm) If all 3 hatch and survive then i'll definitly need a larger cage
  4. Took my camera along today again: There are lots of baby primates at the moment (chimp, pygmy marmoset and 3 or 4 baboons) Female Ostrich The male Nyala has changed heaps: The female Nyala is what he started looking like And the Meerkats
  5. Thanks for that information Jennifer. They already get fd mealworms, and fd crickets. Do I need to start thinking about a second cage for the baby once its fledged? Or might the parents be happy having their baby with them?
  6. Father: Mother: And Baby (I don't want to disturb them much, so this was the best I could get) And fingers crossed for #2 tomorrow!
  7. One baby in the nest :bounce: (hopefully 2 more to go!)
  8. firefish

    Sand type

    I have petstuff101's midnight gravel in all 3 of my tanks. I love it, its much better than what i've ever had (I used to have stones; grey, white and fruit salad ) Much prefer this colour and texture Not as good if you have black fish though, theres a red tailed black shark in this picture!
  9. Their cage temp is 18 degrees in the day,(can also be around 20). Not sure in the night (heat pump isn't on) Should I get the kaytee formula and put it in a container for the parents to use, or only get it if i hand rear them?
  10. update: Its been 2 weeks since i noticed the eggs (there are 3 of them) Amber is being very diligent - she comes out for only a min at a time, to get something for the nest or some food. while she was out i took the oppourtunity to take a quick picture They might be hatching out around next weekend If they do, is there anything i need to do differently? Or any different food to put in?
  11. I think i might have a really nice rainbow shark but mines with a gba, clown pleco and 4 whiptails, no aggression at all. He (shark) has his place behind the filter & a cave he likes
  12. I just got home and Amber is in the nest. They've got a branch in there which they don't strip, they've been pulling apart all the rope in the cage recently. P44: I have no idea if Jade is a boy or a girl. But when mating Jade looks like a boy :lol: Amber only tolerates sitting on me, she was parent raised, but Jade who was hand raised has bites lots more and much harder!
  13. Last night I found out that my birds have laid 2 eggs. Amber looks to be playing the mum role as she stays near the nest, Jade is out in the cage like normal. But should Amber be sitting on the eggs at all times, or is it ok for her to leave a bit? When I put the breeding box in I put some cotton breeding material in, the birds took about half out so there's not that much around them. I've never had birds breed before, so any advice would be greatly appreciated
  14. Been playing around with my camera and thought i'd share some of my pics Young wild kribs They seem to be showing lots of variety in their colours/patterns My wild kribs aren't as good as posing as the apistos are: Mother: Son: At the moment i'm just using a canon power shot camera, but for my next birthday i'm getting a much better camera 8)
  15. I raised cories in a 1 litre yoghurt pot pegged into the side of the tank - with an airstone and meth blue. Upgraded to a 2 litre ice cream box when they got a bit bigger.
  16. Starting from a few weeks ago, i've noticed more tuis and wood pigeons at my place. One tui was trying to communicate with my love birds :lol: Its cool to be sitting at the computer, with native birds nearby. Normally, when a wood pigeon comes its alone, but today there were 2 and they were eating kowhai flowers... The trees they're mostly on is the kowhai and a eucalyptus. Theres a couple of massive eucalyptus trees at the zoo which is covered with about 20 tuis every time i see it.
  17. if it flowers, will it be under water?
  18. I've noticed a really long, cord like leaf on my val. Today i looked at the end and wondered if it could be a bud that will flower, Should it be emersed or submersed if it is a bud & might flower?
  19. I gave Sky a snail today: Then a FD cricket: All done:
  20. Good news! Yesterday she started shedding again - this time she was really proactive and rubbed herself on everything in the enclosure. She did most of her shed yesterday. And today she shed her tail. That was the bit that didn't shed last time. I now have 2 tail shaped sheds to prove it 8) I think the difference was that last time there wasn't anything rough for her, but now theres a large bit of wood & some fake leaves that she was using.
  21. Thats a good amount. the first time mine bred there were only 10. But they all suvived
  22. Odd that he didn't find a cave. Are there any caves he could use for another time? if there aren't you might want to add one. its fine to take the eggs out - i've done so many times. You don't need to take the dad - just use an air stone & a bit of meth blue
  23. I've had the same thing happen with the tetras at animates aqua fun day that i brought last year. They only lasted a week or so. The bottom dwellers were fine though. I have a feeling the same thing happened the year before too (but can't be sure). Luckily this year they didn't have anything I wanted...
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