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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. hey as the title states im wanting insects from around nz, for my growing insect collection. Anything outside of auckland would be great but anything within auckland will also be good. i will cover postage costs looking for beetles, moths ,wasps , wetas from outside of auckland, anything realy please pm me if you find anything intresting. collection data will also be needed just date and location would help heaps! can be dead or alive, dead usuly easyer to send Thanks heaps
  2. hey guys, im in london at the moment, was in denmark for 6 weeks till i got called up for army lol long story , then italy and france , will be going back to italy next week then onto greece and some of the islands cant wait 8) lol atown i herd a new animates opening out west lol whats up with that?
  3. hey guys havent been on here in awile looks like theres a million new members! lol hi to you all im currently in europe for those who do know me.. , when i get a chance ill post some piks of the cool reptiles and some of the fish avaible overhere, some of the things are unreal makes me wana stay for ever lol thats all for now peace!
  4. ive just had shores, copper and rainbow which are taking over my garden! haha
  5. was thinking a realy nice l104 but it looks a bit odd still haha tuff one got any new piks now its settled in?
  6. the ones in at the monent are lda33 not what hes looking for
  7. looks like a female but it does not look like a L015
  8. i had one about 8cm in come with some live rock so guessing tropical
  9. yea maybe devils or chromid Etroplus maculatus ?
  10. yea clowns are doing great! what orange thing? lol what pik
  11. i dont think colour matters my domiant male was always dark he never seemd streesd i think they vary alot ,substrate may have sumthn to do wit it...
  12. its a work in progres lol...
  13. shakespere regional park ,mean beach there
  14. gangsta dude ,didnt know anywer left
  15. nice what fish? lol im guessing a cat of some sort
  16. yea that ive noticed but who knows what they get upto when im not around
  17. probly ay haha im prepared for the next lot lol
  18. sweet as some good tips well first two eggs shriveld wasnt ready for them they came a week befor incubator did shes still fat tho so should be more they might not even be fertile who knows seen the male and her doing the deed sevral times befor tho
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