fish fingers the clock sound is most probly a Borer of some sort, if its coming from the wall then stops when you get near then yea its probly that.
this topic realy intrigues me actuly , im not a beliver but love to here about peoples paranormal experinces.
ive only had one experince.
i woke at 2am , to a faint chuckling sound that came from outside in the bush (my gfs house which is in the bush) it started to get louder my gf was awake buy now too, it wasent stationary and was moving about.
I went to the lounge as i was gona look threw the curtain, when i got there the dog was standing up on the couch with his straight up and he was just staring out the window, looked like he was concentrating.
I never turned the light on was just using the light of my phone.
I opend the sliding door and let the dog out , he ran staright out to the chuckling sound that had now stoped since i let the dog out , but what ever it was new the dog was coming as you could here it move threw the bush.
The dog reached the spot where it was and started barking he was chasing something, within ten seconds you could here the dog in the paddocks which are say 60m from where the sound was originaly herd, what ever he was chasing was very fast specily to make its way threw the bush at that speed.
well thats about it , havent ever herd a sound like that again. was rather creepy.
yea thats all i got your turn....