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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. when i get fry, when should i move the fry to growout tanks? scared the parents may eat them as its there first spawn
  2. o that would be good, lol if only i could heat my gold fish pond dont think my parents would let me do that haha
  3. o dats right lol! just checked and yep male and female! ive just sold lots of my growout tanks lol ive still got 3 2foot tanks i could use and maybe my 4foot community tank i dont like community fish anyway lol
  4. bird barn ones are $25 each and size of your pinky lol
  5. yeaya my oscar just layed! ive bin trying to get them to breed the last week with lots of water changes etc and now i got eggs! the female is a red oscar , and the other is a tiger oscar im hopeing the tiger is a male tho lol mayb a female aswell it has swum over the eggs a few times, im hoping its fertilizing the eggs fingers crossed
  6. i usta have 3 of them in a 300l tank and the largest one killed the others. you should only have one
  7. Mine are solid and move a few cm every hour or so. They've got hard bodys and are quite small. Maybe they are some kind of limpet thing because i think they came from the driftwood i collected from the beach. I don't know how they would survive in fresh water though if they came from a beach! lol
  8. ive got thm! on my glass, what are they?

    Hoplo Cats

    how big do hoplo cats get?
  10. haha i wishd you could get them~!!! they look so0o awsum! lol maybe one day
  11. i feed my aro around 3 times a day once in the morning befor school with pellets then around 5pm he gets more pellets and at about 9pm he gets shrimp choped up and beefheart im power feeding him at the moment til he hits a foot long i do water changes every second day aswel
  12. yea mine are very diffrnt shapes aswel but thers no sure way to sex oscars
  13. ive got to oscars , ones a red and the others a tiger both of them are over 20cm there showing sighns of breeding at the moment , there always togeather and there diging a large pit in the gravel and getting very teritorial with the other fish in the tank i cant be 100% sure on sex but hoprfuly ther a breeding pair good luck wot you 0 there awsum fish!

    pictus cat

    does any one have any pictus cats over 25cm long? if so could you post some piks and state wer and for how much you purchased them for that would be great thanks guys
  15. i had 3 15cm ones at one stage for sale at only $50 for all 3, so i rekon 120 is a bit much
  16. lol wel i havent seen him scrap on the rocks or nethn but may hav with the previous owner, the lump looks healed and the skin is not broken or scrathed on it.... lol my oscar just swam into a rock last week and now hes got a lil lump jus unda his lip lol! man my fishes and lumps lol just my luck
  17. sharn how would i kno if its scar tissue or not?
  18. yep thats just like mine except the lump on mine seems a lil bigger lol yep ill giv him a chance then lol and ill let you kno mystic if im eva gona move him on
  19. o sounds the same as mine northland chic, dnt fink we can remove it ay ill keep him for now i spose , lol giv him a chance ay maybe the lump wont grow with the fish? and when the clown gets bigger ... the lump will still be the same size as it is now lol wel hope so what u think ?
  20. my aro see's hes reflection at night i think when the lights are off in the room but not the tank lol i often see him trying to bite his reflection
  21. Vieja yep thats the one! lol 35cm yay! sounds good!
  22. the photo of the last fish ,what is it? ive got one but not 100% sure on what it is
  23. o i brought him witout known it had the lump, how was i ment to kno lol! but when i got ther to pik the clown up i noticed the lump and the dude made up some story about it bein the jaw dislocating, which oviously is a lie! lol yea i spoze he is special .... lol! dont make me feel sory for him!
  24. yea i kno ay, im prety atachd to all my random fish, its hard letn sum go at tymz yea ill look into the vet thing
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