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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. is there any ok skimmers that i could use on a 4 foot that would only cost me around $200-$250?
  2. wel im planning on setting up a 4foot marine tank hopefully in the near future lol neway lighting is prety expensive i was wondering if i could use a light i have its a flood light so kinda similar to a metal halide im guessing? it says on the box 300/500w can this be used lol probly a dumb question but hey worth a try :lol:
  3. ive still got them lol i dont think i got rid of any of the main ones big clown knife aro pacu pair of oscars and some large plecos no more til i get a bigger tank hehe which should be prety soon cant wait!
  4. yea ive got a male at the moment that has so much orange and gold on it and its breeding so i kno its a male and mine is also fat so doesnt mean it is female could be a male lol to me the fins look pointed but hey could be wrong lol
  5. id say male from the fins , but its still a bit hard to see to be 100% sure
  6. my biggest are a 35- 40cm clown knife and a 35cm pacu but there still babys :lol:
  7. i got an 8 cm electric yellow male for for trade my 2 males are fighting will trade for female, or young that i can grow out or anythn else may be considerd just let me know cheerz
  8. could try some hardier plants ? my plecos never touch vallisneria or java fern mite just be lucky tho worth a try ay
  9. mines not agressive at all , has been with many diffrnt fish , only problem now is that my oscars paird up are breeding so he gets attackd alot so its better if i rehome him i like the green sevrums more than the yellows but thats just me i guess lol
  10. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... d=75260558 ive got one for sale at the moment! hes a stunner!!! check it out
  11. yea it should be ay , if it fits then it should be fine
  12. o cool so are they alredy open?
  13. wok whats the shop in avondale calld? wer abouts is it?
  14. nar not when you attach the vacum to the end of the hose
  15. the sand form the beach workd fine and i rekon white sand looks totaly unatural i used the sand in my malawi tank looks good
  16. mine wer in a 4foot , there was some small fish to like guppys and some tetras mine wer only around 10-12cm but yea they did fine in the community tank i tryd them in a cichlid tank but the other fish wer pickn on them
  17. i had a pair in a community tank with angels , swordtails and a few others mine paird up and breed sevral time ,but there infertile they wer prety peacful even when breeding there mouths are kinda small so they cant realy bite down on another fish very well cool fish
  18. depends what cichlids you have?
  19. im also thinkn about doin this for malawis, do you kno if u gota cover the cement with an epoxy paint? or will it be ok without it?
  20. sand aint always crushd shell, as its totaly the wrong colour to be. its a brown sand stone colour so i dont think it wil make the water harder, correct me if im wrong tho
  21. sand aint always crushd shell, as its totaly the wrong colour to be. its a brown sand stone colour so i dont think it wil make the water harder, correct me if im wrong tho
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