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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. lol if we had a big enough tank to breed them in
  2. lol i wouldent bother doin that at the risk they may take it of me lol lets just hope theres more around
  3. evilknieval69... u think there hideous? lol why would you think that!? i rekon its one of the most awsum looking big cats around!
  4. lol awsum! my gf got me a big bag of it from up north, and its totaly clean like not bits of rock or seaweed lol the beaches must be nice up there!
  5. is sand from the beach of in a freshwater tank? if i wash it well it shoud be ok right?
  6. if you have a shovelnose! then man i am SOO! jelous lol ive always wanted one of those
  7. i dont think you can get shovelnoses in nz , if hes got one hes damn! lucky!
  8. he said 18'' , the one on that profile says it reaches 11'' only
  9. 18 inch??? some one please tel me what pictus gets that big! id love one!!!
  10. lol today all the eggs fungusd and the 0s ate them lol hmmm owel
  11. for a 250l tank id recomend some geo's (earth eaters) would look good and not agressive
  12. anyway back to the topic i use to (up until last week) have my tank 300l tank overstocked but still worked well for over a year (till the fish got to big lol) i had 2x oscars both 25cm in length a red head cichlid 25cm in length 2x jackdempseys 15cm convict 10cm a foot long pacu and a 35cm pleco and i had no problems realy except the fish outgrew the tank lol just example of my tank, not recomended unless you have good filteration and do frequent water changes
  13. 16!!! wow! thort they max out at 35cm
  14. ok ive noticed thers about a dozen totaly white ones, id say there fungusd over lol but the rest arnt white but a kinda pink colour lol hmmmm o i duno lol shud find out soon neway
  15. 14inch lol you dont see to many of them around do ya
  16. my 0scars eggs are still white... arent they ment to go an amber colour if fertlised?
  17. ive breed 6-7cm pair in a 2 foot also done it in a 3foot since then ive dumpd thm all in a four foot , and theres 3f and 2males but thy dont breed in there, wel i havnt tryd tho as i just leave that tank alone lol
  18. ive breed them in a 2foot befor , but i was wondering if i devided the 2foot and had a breeding pair on each side, would they still breed? or is that not enough room? or would i best with 1 male with 2 or 3 females? i wana breed as much as possible! which would be the best option?
  19. lol duno about that but yea if i was you i would rehome him befor he does some real damage
  20. i had 3 15cm ones , they nearly killed one of my large plecos! and at night they would attack all my fish, much larger then them aswel my oscars fins would be torn and ripd more every morning ill never get them again lol
  21. lol sweet i guess wil find out how tuff they are in the next few days when i remove the eggs/fry lol ill let you kno how it goes
  22. lol thats funy neva thort they had nethn but rubber lips but i stil dont think they can do much damage , lol ill have to find out
  23. you have an oscar tooth? i always hand feed my os and they chop down on my finger every time no teeth tho , and looking into there mouths i dont see any....
  24. also how long would os look afte ther fry? i remba wen i breed convicts that they lookd afta the fry for about 3 weeks befor i had to remove them
  25. prety sure ther male female pair as the vents lookd differnt. i dont wana loose to many , wana sell thn to the lfs wen ther big enuf ill see how they go dont realy wana take the eggs out ,wait til ther wrigglers maybe.....
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