well im starting my malawi tank
and i love my electric yellows and dont want them to cross breed with anything else
so i was thinkn maybe i should mix some haps with them instead of other mbuna
the fish i have at the moment are
1 male elec yellow , 6 females and 3 un known, breeding wel at the moment
2 johanni males and 2 females
2 ob zebras i think?
4 rainbow Melanochromi look like this but males are more blue http://www.gemi.at/georg/fish/Melanochr ... sonae1.jpg
1 male 1 female giraffe hap
i would like to know what wil interbreed, so i can get rid of them if they are going to
also one last question, if i have some haps with my yellows will the differant kind of haps interbreed?
lots of help would be awsum thanks