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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. and do you think vets do lil things like that? ,mite cost a fair bit , but maybe worth finding out
  2. yea seems sad replacing him and all but i duno i just like all my fish to be in good health, and i rely like clowns , so id like a nice looking one for my collection, altho theres nothn wrong health wise with my clown, its just that i dnt like the look of it ..... its not evn that bad i spose i ges im just picky... lol
  3. ill sell my old one if i can find a new one, and nar i dont think theres any medication for a growth like this... people from the monster fish forums rekon its from glass swimmimg like just rubing itself against the glass to much..... :-? it just looks like a growth ,and i dont think that can be removed..... any suggestions?
  4. does anyone kno wer i can get myself a clown knife for a resonable price? i havnt seen thm around much.. i alredy have one but its got sum kind of growth on its chin like a ball ,not that atractive ... and dont think i can remove it so yea im on the look out for a better one in good shape plz let me kno if you have one for sale or kno how much they are cheerz
  5. wont the meds get rid of that?, i duno what the cause was? maye one of the new fish introduced had it or sumthn?
  6. thanks alot guys! hopefuly all my fish pull threw now :lol:
  7. ok ill leave a few big things in there for them, i realy think i gota do it 2nite sum of the fish jus aint lo0kn good! anyone kno a good way to get rid of ick (whitespot)? the shop jus said use wonder tonic? any other ways? will water changes help aswell?
  8. ive got alot of wood in my tank and some rocks, the fish mostly the cichlids like to hide from time to time but i was wondering if its ok to remove all decorations and have it bare gravel, will it stress the fish or wil it b k? reson is realy wana giv the tank a good vacum as i got a out break of ick in there and realy think it needs a good clean! i do hav medication and all but i think it would help to have it bare for awile at least, to get it nice and clean the fish are 25cm oscar 25cm red head cichlid 33cm pacu 20cm plec couple of 15cm jd's convict and some silver dollars the plec , cichlids and pacu seem to like havn a place to hide but do you think it would be ok bare bottom ? wel jus gravel?
  9. lots of food , and frequent water changes, helps with most fish
  10. anyone kno how big a red head cichlid will grow? mines about 25cm at the moment
  11. i red that my aro should grow around an inch per month, if its eating well, and i keep up the water changes, the tank being 60cm wide should provide enough room for the pacu to turn around , until it gets huge lol
  12. and yes i kno the potential size of those fish
  13. i just got a new tank 5foot by 2foot by 2foot, its the biggst i can have at the moment, i would like to put my arowana and pacu in it , how long could i keep them in there? aro is around 15cm at the moment and pacu around 33cm, i will wait for awile befor i add the aro as it need s to grow i may put my oscar in aswell as he is living with the pacu at the moment
  14. haha wel my lfs let me have there pacu but they said i have to catch if i want it lol ! with one flick of his tail! ,i was totaly soaked! lol good fun tho :lol:
  15. haha maybe ill build a monster tank when i move outa home lol! and have a job! lol yeaya last year of school :lol: cant wait! then all my monster fish dreams will come tru lol
  16. and the drop eye thing , ive herd most captive bred aros get drop eye, so im thinkn hes bound to get it so0ner or later anyway so i will end up havn tank mates for him no mater what i rekon :lol: just gota find a good combo for him
  17. yea i kno they get masive but i totaly love it! wouldnt mind getn another as they are sko0ling fish, but man gona need a way bigger tank one day for all my young monstors
  18. would a 15cm long silver arowana be ok with a 33cm long pacu? my pacu seems very placid and id like to have him in the new tank im getn for my aro ,but yea the aro is rather small at the moment.. but could it work?
  19. black ghost knife with an oscar? can a black ghost knife be kept with large agresive cichlids or evn arowanas? as im thinkn bout getn one, also i kno ther nocturnal fish so do they hide most of the day? would be a shame getn one and never see it lol
  20. hey my silver prety small at the moment and i was just wondering how long it would tank him to reach the 25-30cm mark, hes only around 13cm at the moment hes feeding well and i do regular water changes ive been told on other forums that itl grow about one inch per month, but doesnt seem like it at the moment let me kno what you think ,or if any one hea has aro's let me kno how fast yours has grown cheerz
  21. yea my dad once told me you could also use it under the water! and he was rite but the leaves do go a lighter green after awile
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