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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. just wash it , ive used that silica sand in fishtanks befor
  2. i cant i.d the shark im getting yet til i put it in the tank, and where its from is a secret lol yep a crazy idea but will be cool and diferant
  3. yea thats what i read to , ok sump , skimmer , powerheads anything else? maybe a chiller ..
  4. thats if i do this for sure ,getting prety kean but might be a dumb idea lol
  5. just 180g tank with sump mayb fx5 for flow other than that ill just try pick up some advise along the way, gona start with a small shark and see where i go from there
  6. duno about the chiller ay , i think the ones im thinkn off dont just live in cooler waters , correct me if im wrong tho
  7. lol! i read this after i put them in the tank ! ill try get a pik when they settle in nothing great just a grey brown spotted fish lol but still cool
  8. 0ay any small ones? im probly best starting out with the one i was first talking about
  9. just got them today , got them from phill real good looking pair females nice and plump
  10. C.punctatum? do we get them in nz waters? looks like what ive been trying to find heres a pik link http://www.wetwebmedia.com/Cartilaginou ... st_pic.JPG
  11. lol doesnt look like the one im after, its similar but has stripes
  12. what the scintific name for the dog fish? lol if anyone knos
  13. what species of sharks are in and around nz waters anyone kno any sites showing whats around? mostly wana kno about the smaller ones ,some go by the common namecarpet shark and dog fish
  14. im getting a breeding pair this week , lol i dont belive evrything i get told tho but have read there not to hard to breed anyone else got them or have breed them?
  15. i caught some of these in ortia stream on school trip once
  16. should be alright togeather but need a good amont of space. at the moment there only in a 2meter by 1 meter wide tank
  17. tank will house frontosa easyer for someone to care for when i travel
  18. haha try getting dredz bro thats pain lol
  19. lol to be honest they hate me ! there not to bad if you have a open hand if you put your hand over them they go nuts and the big one trys to bite lol!
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