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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. Mod = Warren This thread has been closed and it's content removed. Two serious breaches of the site guidelines 1. Discussion about a Trademe Auction and / or events surrounding the auction. 2. Character defamation of a member whether deserved or not. There is to be no further discussion on the matter and no further posts of this type on the site.
  2. ps Tropheops on the list i asume its what your talking about with out looking at a picture tho so correct me if im wrong got some in last year and still on the list ill get some in next week and get some piks for ya
  3. Tropheops have been on the list and still are the shop would of just labeld them wrong
  4. ive sold one of my beardys but it needs to go auckland to queenstown! lol whats the best way to send him and who with?
  5. largest male around 25cm smallest sround 7cm, hopefully adding 5 more girls in the next few weeks :bounce: the comps i have two pairs, both have been very close to breeding latley, both girls had egg tubes out , im prety sure one paired spawned but the other male got into the cave and that was the end of that lol
  6. mean bro! tangs are sweet ay
  7. they looks similar size to my one , it was around 35cm but never got acurate measurmnt
  8. ill update as i get new stock and set up new tanks
  9. some of my tangs 8) bemba a.comp frons
  10. lol how big are yours henward? my big one i sold was massive lol to bad will never kno whos was bigger now
  11. i used to use sand from a beach in one of my old malawi tank it was fine just make sure you wash it will tank should look cool ! i set up my fron tank with coral sand tho
  12. a change in direction? lol hope you dont do what i did
  13. i think mines female very deep in the body , and the lower jaws not overlaping
  14. name your price lol see if who ever your getting them from has any females they wouldnt mind selling
  15. the royal will out grow the ghost and end up killing it
  16. whats redwoods email adress i need to contact them about something, yea i t might be a royal since redwoods brought them in
  17. tiden how many you got? males and females? so you got them mixd with dubosi hows that going ,any agression between the two kinds? ill get some picks when i set up ther tank properly
  18. grow to a foot or more in the first year. its probly a clown bro
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