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Everything posted by Aqua

  1. I know the Borneo Sword is available at Hollywood Fish Farms here in Auckland - I got one off of them... Try Paul's website - it's got plenty of info
  2. Aqua

    New Additions...

    lol I'm getting to the point where I wish everyone would refer to fish by their Latin names, instead of the 'common' names which seem to change depending on where you are!!!
  3. Aqua

    New Additions...

    yeah, I know about plecs getting big, but he's in a 4' tank... should be fine I'm actually having trouble finding any info about a red-spot plec... I've found a red-spot bristlenose though... one & the same???
  4. In light of my abysmal failure with the gouramis, I've gone out and got 2 bronze cories, and 1 red-spot pleco... Hopefully these guys will last longer!!! The bronze cories are already swimming around with the peppered catfish I have, and generally making asses of themselves! :lol: The red-spot pleco is busy trying to make his own territory, as he seems to spend a lot of time swimming away from the bristlenoses lol
  5. erk......... well, we can stop worrying why the gourami died... When I turned the lights on this morning, the other one was on its side at the front of the tank
  6. Well... the pH is at 7ish... 0 Nitrites, 0 ammonia... BUT the water temp was up @ 32ºC!!! I've turned the heater down to 26ºC... hopefully that will allow for the temp to stay warm during the night, but not broil my fish over the day!!!
  7. Well, I don't think they'll be breeding now I just found one of them dead! It was lying in the corner where there's a lot less water flow than the rest of the current, so I think it must have floated there... All the other fish seem fine... I'm just about to go do pH checks etc...
  8. I couldn't do that Caryl!!! :lol: I'm not certain if the pair are actually a 'pair' per se.... I went to Jansens on the North Shore, and just asked for 2 of the red gouramis lol And YES - it's Ambulia!!!! :roll: Now that the beer has worn off, I can think
  9. I just bought a pair of Flame Dwarf Gouramis! Very pretty they are too! One problem - they're tearing my Cabomba & the other stuff that looks like Cabomba, just not as 'woody' (can't think at the moment - too much beer :lol:).... Is this simply their way of saying "feed me more often", or are they just hungry for some soft, fluffy plants????
  10. Aqua


    Now that I've set my tank up again, I'm looking for C02 options... I was looking at : http://www.shopsolution.nl/shop/home.as ... id=pagina6 but the prices are in GB Pounds, so I'm assuming that it's a British site! Does anyone know of C02 systems similar to this in NZ? If so, can I please have a link, or an address, and/or price? Cheers
  11. Aqua


    heheh the escape was quite impressive I thought!!! Oh man - moving a 6' would suck even more! I moved the 4' in the back of my partners Isuzu Bighorn, and it didn't even fit - so he had to tie the doors shut, and I sat there holding the rope the entire way from Ellerslie to Glenfield!!! I'll try to borrow my flatmates digital camera and get some pics - maybe someone will be able to help me identify the plants I have... Only one of the swords has been eaten (I think eaten anyway), but the other is covered in a light 'fuzz' which the bristlenoses seem to be ignoring... Maybe I should get a red-spot pleco that I saw for sale @ the Glenfield pet shop!
  12. Aqua


    Hey all - it's been a while huh? :lol: I've moved house! I now live in Glenfield! And, as you can imagine, moving the 4' tank was *NOT* fun!!!!!! I only had 2 casualties out of the move as well, which although sad, I think is a pretty good mortality rate, considering the amount of time the fish were in plastic containers instead of a nice tank! Unfortunately, one of the losses was Stanley (my Black Ghost Knifefish) The other loss was a WCMM that made a dash for freedom, and actually went straight down a plughole!!!! Anyway, just to remind y'all, I have a 4' tropical freshwater tank, Fluval 304 filter, 1x AquaOne light (with 2x 36W, 7100K, white bulbs) & a second hand 30W, 10000K AquaStar (purple light) that currently has: x2 Bristlenosed Catfish (some ppl call them bristlenosed plecos?????) x1 Peppered Catfish x1 Siamese Fighter (male) x2 Clown Loaches x14(ish) WCMM plants: multiple stands of Java Fern a bunch of Jave Moss (for the WCMM :lol:) Anubias nana on a nice piece of wood Ambulia Cabomba a couple of swords, I think one is a borneo & the other I can't remember :oops: Babies Tears and heaps of Vallisneria!!!! Regarding the plants, the swords & Anubias are looking a bit tattered, I believe it's the bristlenoses eating them? Any suggestions? It's nice to be back!
  13. omg take that back!!! Hannibal is THE MAN!!! Only cause he's got class though.. the eating people thing is a little beyond me
  14. RE: Black ghosts getting to 2' yeah.. they can..... But it takes a while supposedly I'l actually quite happy to lose all the other fish in the tank, as long as I've got my knife fish
  15. you could always get a black ghost knifefish!! I've got one in my 4' tank :lol:
  16. Aqua

    Grindal Worms

    ummm I've never heard of them either... :oops: Can you elaborate? :lol:
  17. Aqua

    Progress Update

    yeah, I want to wait until I own a house :lol:
  18. Aqua

    Progress Update

    Sounds good Pies I've got a friend who is looking at making the plunge into marine tanks, so I think I'll learn vicariously through him before going there myself
  19. you're thinking of the Clown Knife Fish there Pies - and yeah - they get monstrous! The Black Ghost Knife Fish (from what I've read) reaches about 20" max, and seeing as my tank is 48" x 18" x 18" I'm pretty sure I can handle him for a couple of years at least... If he does get too big, then I'm sure a LFS would happily take him off my hands, in exchange for a smaller one
  20. LOL you went and got one today? Wow - that's a quick decision!
  21. the black ghost is well worth the money! He doesn't seem to be doing much either than hiding or eating... What *is* cool, is if you drop a couple of shrimp pellets in the tank so that they end up next to the front pane of glass, he'll come right up and eat it, and I was sitting right in front of the tank watching him eat! What a sight! Only thing I've had to do was move my fighter to the other tank, as I wasn't sure if they'd like each other or not... And I've got 12 baby WCMM in the 4' community tank as well, and the guy from the LFS said I'd probably lose a few during the night, but they all still seem to be there, not that I'm worried - just means free food! :lol:
  22. hehehe isn't that a good thing??
  23. lol ummm....errr....no... we've reached a verdict anyway... his name is Stanley... as in the knife :roll:
  24. Does anybody else own one of these amazing fish? I finally managed to get one - ever since I saw a picture I've wanted one!! I'm still trying to think of a name for him.. err.. 'it' ? :lol: Just thought I'd share
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