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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Thanks for the feedback 8) The ph is fine and hmmm thinking it may not be temp then hmmmm.. I added a bit of salt last night and they seemed to have picked up.. a little, alot more active and a little less clamped, still clamped tail on the male tho... hmmm will keep and eye and might do another little water change, however, things seem to be fine water wise.. Are they a lover of frequent water changes?
  2. Once Brichardi pair up they can be real terrors, however, they are amazing to watch... they raise their young in a big family unit.... the older siblings join in on the parenting etc and they live in one big family... interesting to watch that is for sure... If you wanted to keep more than one tangy species in the tank then it would pay to have a nice amount of space and good territory areas set out... I have had Dafs and Julidos live quite happily together till a pair of Dafs decided to want to spawn and look out Julidos, the poor little battle subs were cowering in the corner of the tank right up the top, it was a case of removing them for their own safety :lol: You could keep a single sex only tank and see how that worked, or alternatively you could just keep the one species...?? Or try and make it work with 2 species and just keep your eyes peeled at all times.
  3. There are others, however, wouldn't be suitable for your tank due to size and numbers needed. The Daffodil is a nice variation of the Brichardi, alot more striking... used to be referred to as Daffodil Pulcher however of recent times it has now been referred to as another colour morph of Brichardi. I think they are much more striking in colour.
  4. The tank was around 22-23 degrees in the fish shed... they had no heater in tank, thats what tank temp was at without heater 8)
  5. The species we have here in NZ ie Brichardi, Julidos etc are smaller... and more delicate somewhat compared to good old robust Malawi mbuna :lol:
  6. Well either lake types are awesome fish to keep I am partial to both... with the size of your tank, maybe you could go tangy... nothing more beautiful than seeing a nicely set up Tanganyikan tank.. gold sand, rock work, some nice plants *drool*
  7. You mean ditch the Malawi species and go something like Tangys?
  8. Heya Killi people We have decided we want to keep a couple of species going. I love albino gardneri (my pet name for them "white maggots" :lol:) We are new to killies (however kept a few little random ones in the past), and we are wanting to make sure we are doing everything right by what we have. We have some young albino gardneri that we are growing on, and I have noticed that they have slightly clamped fins, mainly the tail clamped, could anyone out there give me an idea on what could possibly be affecting these guys... Hubby was told by a killi keeper here in Napier that it could well be temp, (too warm for them).. We had them out in the fish shed.... unheated tank... however I read on the net that they can tolerate 20-25 degrees celcius... Please could anyone shed some light.. our ph conditions suit what it states that they need on the net... water parameters are fine.. could it well be heat or?
  9. Yeap they aren't cheap to come by in LFS, especially when you need to buy at least 12 plus or so to keep a good ratio to spread out the aggression. Nothing really comes to mind for me either, Malawi wise... it would be nice to get Dems as they stay a reasonably small size for your tank, where as anything else mbuna wise that we have available in NZ gets a tad larger. Sometimes the quality of the Dems that have come from the suppliers aren't the best either, weight and colouring.. and then you can get some beauties that come through aswell, luck of the draw 8)
  10. Interesting watch above... amazing close up shots of little creatures too 8) Once again, guys voice a tad irritating but still worth the watch :lol:
  11. Beautiful tanks waterfaller 8) Love that shrimp, I have to say they are one of the most adorable things :lol:
  12. Those tanks are outstanding!! The layout and planting of them is beautiful and the water so clear you almost can't tell there is water in there The fighter is just gorgeous too..
  13. Welcome to the forums waterfaller 8) It certainly doesn't "snow" as such in my neck of the woods, I just get to admire the white stuff on the distant ranges :lol:
  14. Welcome to the forums traceytrout.. btw love the name :lol: Yes I wouldn't even consider reincarnating as a female guppy that is for real
  15. Each to their own but I would certainly want to see where he got his info from, short of giving any evidence that this is a good procedure then I would be reluctant.. the information I have read on Melafix hasn't suggested doing any such thing (this is information from other fish keepers who have experience with the product)... there are rather a few pieces of information across the web about the hidden dangers of using long term treatments such as Melafix... I would only ever use it if the fish was in dire straits with bad wounds, ie the Oscar we acquired who was a wreck.
  16. Lucas, have your tried gradual water changes to see if this makes a difference?
  17. Where did he get his info from? Yikes I don't agree that it could or should be used regularly on your tank if there is no need too, what would be the purpose of doing this? The following quote was a bit of information found on the use of Melafix.. if anyone would like the link then sing out as not sure I can link it on here.. I have also read that if you overdose Melafix it can burn the corneas of the eyes, causing the fishes eyes to become cloudy.
  18. Those are beautiful pics livingart... is that you?
  19. Maybe rather a few of the critters were tucked away over autumn/ winter I have been there over the warmer period when we got blueys and the place was fab... this was while things were still getting finished.
  20. I would love to go to Zion Park... those big cats look just out of this world... I remember good old Orana Park years ago, where you could drive into the enclosure and have the lions come right up past your car and eyeball you through your window... etc... I still have the photos from that experience, what magnificent creatures.. 8) And the big tigers were to die for.. 8)
  21. Hmmm I tasted this outstanding coffee in a small cafe in Gisborne, it had some greek name... hmm yet I can't recall darn it :-? I wil have to get a friend to scope it out or may have to bowl into the cafe again when we are through that way and suss out what it was... I am not normally one for coffee but this was out of this world...
  22. There ya go... in post on previous page 8) :lol: :oops:
  23. God I am such an idiot... :lol: :lol: Lemme just get them back on :lol:
  24. Nothing wrong with Mark Ellis
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