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Everything posted by ljtan55

  1. Java Ferns a little bit slow growing tho... you may not get that much growth in a month, maybe try something a little bit faster growing like indian fern or swords Watta bout indian ferns, swords and stuff, they grow pretty quick? Will be happy to send you some indian fern if you'd like.
  2. The prepared fish foods have a good mix of nutrients, but you know it gets boring My fish gets frozen bloodworms, daphnia every other day, but the staple is fish flakes, and discus food pellets.
  3. ljtan55

    wanting to know

    I've got 2 whiptails. Awesome catfish that just do their own thing all the time. Dont bother anyone and no one bothers them. And they're a lot bolder and livelier than my plecos. BUT better find out if ghost knife will eat em, could be like sphagetti to em Cool!! Bichir! What kind is it?
  4. ljtan55

    wanting to know

    Farlowella or royal farlowella or whiptail catfish? Dunno if they'll become snacks for the big fish though. They have the advantage of eating some algae.
  5. Very nice Luke. Dunno how you did it, but it looks good.
  6. Thanks sharonpaul, freakyfish, and fishboi, good to know I can get them somewhere once the light blows on the tank. Its about 6 months since I got them, so for the sake of the plants, they need changing. Yes please! I'll be happy to pay for em, HFF said they have atman lights that might fit, but they said its not good for plants.. which kinda defeats the purpose. What spectrum are they fishboi?
  7. I was there today as well, but mainly looking at the catfish. Looks like someone bought the gold nugget that was there. Did you see the badis?? I was looking all over for it, but no luck :-? And they have balloon rams too, as weird looking as they are
  8. What about thermal curtains? Might be worth a shot, bit of a shame to waste all that aquarium space
  9. Hey Spiderweb, you make a good point there, but theres something I don't quite understand... So when you agitate water, Oxygen levels in the water reach good saturation level, and you get gas exchange which makes the gas amounts in the water similar to atmospheric conditions, which is great for fish esp those that needs good oxygen saturaion levels. But in a planted tank with no agitation where you're trying to maximise the saturation of carbon dioxide in the tank, respiration will reduce oxygen levels but create more CO2 in the tank, whereas nitrogen levels stay pretty much the same. So if you don't agitate the water isn't that going to be a optimum environment for plants? And if you're injecting CO2 into the tank in the hope of increasing CO2 level underwater, won't surface agitation reduce that to normal atmospheric amounts? Anyways, Im definately no means an expert on gas exchange, but thats how it was going through in my head. If you could shed some light on this I'd be a happy man
  10. I leave it overnight... was using it, then ran out and couldn't be bothered buying another big bottle. No difference with fish or plants before and after. Now I have a tiny bottle which I use when I'm moving fish or adding new fish. Cycle doesn't work, it doesn't contain the right bacteria. You can start the cycle with a sacrificial cycling guppy or similar hardy fish, or if you seed the filter for 2 weeks in a friend's tank you'll make everything go so much faster.
  11. I have the Eheim 2213 bought it off trademe for 70 bucks. IMO its great! So quiet, need to touch it to make sure its on, and without the trays you can put anything you want it in, of any quantity. Parts are pricey, but it really just keeps on going and going.
  12. It does gets cloudy sometimes after a big water change, and if it is that, it'll go away by itself. How long has the tank been set up for? Are the fish gasping for air? If they are, another water change wont hurt.
  13. For 300 bucks?? Did you get it brand new?? Thats an awesome price for that setup. I was looking at one that was ~$700 today.
  14. You can get formalin from the fish store, could be be in one of the bottles for worm treatment. I did 1 : 20 dip, which I got off the net. Its good, but some plants don't like it. The java moss is surviving fine, but the fern didn't like it too good. But hey, it may not have been EXACTLY 1:20 in the bleach dips defence, but it sure was satisfying to see all the dead snails at the bottom. It was like gravel.
  15. Hehe good luck deciding. Females you can keep lots of in the same tanks, male you can have only one, or a few more if you get some dividers. What's the size of the tank are you planning on having? Makes a little bit of a difference.
  16. ljtan55

    my expereince

    Ow.. that is a lot of money, you could have bought 3 rhino whiptails, or a fancy pleco by the end of that experience. Sorry for your loss MRSkz, better luck for the future. Are you still going to keep on trying?
  17. With the bleach dip, be careful. It works, but I also killed all my java ferns with it. They seemed fine, and then died a week later. Totally snail free tank though, but also java fern free.
  18. Nope T8s, but shorter by a little bit, they say JEBO 10000K T8 on the tubes.
  19. My 255L planted has 10 cardinal tetra, 5 sterbai cories, 2 whiptails, 2 SAEs, 3 dwarf chain loaches, 7~ 10cm discus, 2 blue rams, 4 ottos, and 1 queen arab pleco. Nitrates and everything else is low, but I have 2 external filters running and twice weekly water changes. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/pfk/pages/stocking_density_calculator.php Heres a cool calculator, but its just a guide.
  20. Just realised that JEBO light fitting don't fit other tubes!! I've got the R390 Jebo, and its needs about 59cm tubes, but standard aquarium and normal tubes are 61cm.. Does anyone know if any other tubes can fit? Preferable something with a higher Kelvin? Thanks!
  21. Just been down to Hollywoof FF yesterday, saw some there.
  22. Males look better by far IMO especially if they have long tails, but females look alright too (short tailed but colourful) See them in the shops for about 10-20 dollars, more for crowntails, and half moons. Gotta say theres better selection up North for the more exotic varieties, when I was down South, it was as hard as heck to get a female. You could always try Trademe :lol: Hope that helps.
  23. Whoa Are those java ferns on the left side of the tank?? They are huge! Very nice.
  24. Using yeast, just cos its cheap. If I had more money I would DEFINATELY go pressurised... Its about 50 bucks off tm, and refills are 12.50 every 3 months. Only good for tanks up to 70L, but mine is 255L and it still makes a difference. HTH
  25. If it is the air stone, they're good for fish cos it agitates the water's surface and allows oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer. Not so good for plants cos they need CO2. But they look cool if you put them in the right place. 8)
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