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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev


    Put it away, Ira... Stop scaring yourself. Or at least don't let the other half know what the results are!
  2. We've had, in order of appearance: -Brownish ginger stuff all over the rock and aragonite sand. -Dark red/magenta almost black slightly hairy stuff on the rock, complete with bubbles that got to 3mm ish before they floated to the surface (not Valonia). Mostly on one rock, and not the other for some strange reason. -Green wirery hair algae -Bright green very low growing slimey looking stuff, but only on top surfaces exposed to the light. Things to look foreward to!
  3. From the Pure Dew website:http://www.puredew.co.nz/
  4. Try The Warehouse, that's where I get mine, 10l containers $5.75.
  5. But who gets to stick their head in the tank to take the photos? Or do you have to have extra long reverse hinging arms so that you can look from the front of the tank with the camera in the water? hmmm.. reminds me of trying to get the spark plugs out of the Alfa...
  6. No problems, just PM me before you leave and I will give you directions. And make sure i'm home, too, not working.
  7. Sooo. Warren, what food are you offering?? Fishkeepa, if you want any more Dwarf Gouramis to take back with you, I have the Classic red/blue striped, and Red males, and quite a few very fat females needing homes soon.
  8. Haha Did you watch the video? Those tangs look sooooo peeed off!
  9. I was going to ask how you get non-blue photos... Mine are terrible, and if you use the flash it looks worse. I've even tried turning the blue fluros off, makes no difference. grrrrrrr....
  10. Thanks Rogan hmmm.. I like the Punk Snail idea..
  11. There is a kit available from the same manufacturers as those in the auctions which does all the tests that Caryl mentioned. It should be cheaper than buying them as single kits. I think mine cost roughly the price of two kits for all four tests + high ph. I used to test every week when I first started, more so while my tank was cycling, mainly to see what was happening. Like Caryl, I don't test my freshwater tanks at all now, even the fry tanks get neglected! (this has probably got a lot to do with starting a Marine tank a couple of months ago, which gets all the attention and testing.) There are arguments regarding accuracy of test kits, but I consider them useful mainly for monitoring any change, which is what you are looking for.
  12. Animalz Mmmm.. Delight Plus... Roast Duck... mmmmm* You have got to try one of these*. Across from Deco City Pets to the right. Wine - yeeetch... awful stuff.* *The opinions shown here are those solely of the writer.
  13. Make sure the bits you collect are the darker hard wood variety, not soft light coloured pine, which will deteriorate quickly. They should be heavy, even when dry. I sit mine in a plastic bucket of water to soak, and change the water weekly, and turn them over, takes a few weeks until they don't float.
  14. Zev

    New Salties

    Thanks Wasp. Any other Closet Salties out there?
  15. You can get bottled water which is RODI in 10l bottles, they're sort of rectangular shape with a handle. Made in NZ. This lasts me about a week of top-ups, tank is 105l capacity, but took about 85l NSW to fill when you account for aragonite base and a couple of large hunks of live rock. My last lot cost me $5.75 from The Warehouse.
  16. Wow, he's stunning. And so are the photos. Afraid I'm with Caryl on the depressed thing.
  17. Photos look pretty good to me.. Whats the coral in the first pic on this page?
  18. ROFLMAO Actually, I wish they would stop showing Parliment on TV, it's disillusioning my kids as to how the country is run!
  19. What.. you kicking the poor girl out?
  20. Dang Caryl, you beat me to it! Must have been by seconds, though..
  21. Hornwort , Ceratophyllum demersum, is banned in NZ.
  22. Does the temp in the top tank say 28 or 23, can't quite make it out?
  23. Zev

    Rotala spps

    You've been looking in that Plant Handbook again, haven't you? Have you tried Pupuke, he can possibly order some for you if you are allowed them in NZ
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